[47] in 1993-clients
Re: APB: Maple wanted in connection with slain DECstation 5000/25
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (lwvanels@Athena.MIT.EDU)
Tue Mar 24 16:43:59 1992
From: lwvanels@Athena.MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 92 16:43:36 -0500
To: Reid M. Pinchback <reidmp@Athena.MIT.EDU>
Cc: 1993-clients@Athena.MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: [46]
Reply-To: lwvanels@mit.edu
It turns out that the maple ``work'' processes hadn't actually exited when
the X interface was killed off; they were still actually there, taking up
33M of swap. Ezra and I only found this after logging out of the X session
and logging back in on the console; that freed up enough memory to allow ps
to run. After maple was completely killed off, things returned to normal.