[6506] in Release_7.7_team
Re: ceres/bias switching to CUPS
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Mark W. Manley)
Sat Nov 14 14:07:25 2009
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 2009 14:07:14 -0500 (EST)
From: "Mark W. Manley" <mmanley@MIT.EDU>
To: Geoffrey Thomas <geofft@mit.edu>
cc: release-team@mit.edu, ops@mit.edu
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I have deployed cluster-printers.mit.edu in addition to printers.mit.edu
to help with your CUPSy needs. What's the difference, you may ask? The
"cluster-printers" address goes to a pair of virtual servers that only
have the DORM and CLUSTER printers from moira defined to them. The
"printers" address, however, has 'em all.
The "cluster-printers" address will help in the clusters and dorms where
people want to have a sweet drop-list of printers, but don't want to wade
through. I'd like, if possible, to see that used in the clusters soonish
in lieu of the 'cups.mit.edu' address, which I would love to see folded
into the printers or the cluster-printers name.
I have also discontinued the LDAP hooks. They were creating more problems
than solving and the CUPS support for 1.4.x LDAP was, at best, craptastic.
My favorite was not only that the servers would just crash if they had any
sort of blip in their connections, but that they'd also reliably
miscalculate string length by 1, so you'd get the "cere" printer in "W2"
and so on. LDAP would have been super-sweet rather that the clunky
CUPS-style polling, but life is hard.
Please let me know if you have any questions.