[126] in iswork
new database
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Allison F. Dolan)
Fri Oct 13 16:23:35 2000
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Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 16:28:59 -0400
To: iswork@mit.edu
From: "Allison F. Dolan" <adolan@MIT.EDU>
Cc: Bob Ferrara <rferrara@mit.edu>
I've started to update the Theme 4 work, and several questions/issues have
already come to mind (BTW, I think the database looks terrific! These are
'usage' questions, not philosphical issues.)
- in the create new Project or new Activity, the 'status' line says 'choose
status', but there was nothing in the pop up window to choose
-- in the same places - CG is not listed as a 'Process'
I need a refresher on the current definition of a 'project' - if I am a
member of an HR team looking at Recruiting, would I put that in as a
Project or Activity? (I did create a Project under Theme 4 - re: Rewards
and Recognition - does that look right? Or should it be an Activity?)
CG has a little Excel file with our 'projects'. I would like to put this
in ISWork. Would it be ok to give the members of CG the id/password so
they can do the loading of the information? (I would still have
responsibility for the content - I just didn't want to key it in)
I did several updates, and then things seem to 'blow up' - any time I
clicked the 'submit' button, I got a blank screen with '504' in the upper
Semantics (which may not be worth changing) - It took me a while to
register that the Initiative 'Description' is really the Initiative
title/name, and the 'Justification' is really more description.