[120107] in North American Network Operators' Group
Re: Arrogant RBL list maintainers
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jon Lewis)
Wed Dec 9 17:14:14 2009
Date: Wed, 9 Dec 2009 17:13:32 -0500 (EST)
From: Jon Lewis <jlewis@lewis.org>
To: Michael Holstein <michael.holstein@csuohio.edu>
In-Reply-To: <4B20141D.9090906@csuohio.edu>
Cc: nanog@nanog.org
Errors-To: nanog-bounces+nanog.discuss=bloom-picayune.mit.edu@nanog.org
On Wed, 9 Dec 2009, Michael Holstein wrote:
> Their initial email said :
> [snip]
> Trend Micro Notification: added to DUL
> [snip]
That's just lazy/sloppy. A quick survey of your /16 suggests that the
majority of it has PTRs in the format of csu-137-148-36-160.csuohio.edu,
which looks like generic rDNS...but assuming that a university has a /16
of dynamic space is just dumb...and in that quick survey of your /16,
there are obvious pockets of non-generic rDNS.
> To work with us, please generate the following three lists:
> Please include all information for the space you announce.
> The total of Static and Dynamic space must equal the
> Total Allocated Space.
> 2) DYNAMIC SPACE LIST - in CIDR format
> [snip]
> Which was, of course, impossible .. since trunking a VLAN across the
> core just to have all the printers in the same /22 would be silly.
Maybe you misunderstood them? What's trunking a VLAN across the core for
a printers subnet have to do with anything? They were asking you to tell
them which of your subnets are dynamic and which are static, presumably so
they could remove your /16 and list just the bits of it that really are
dynamic or otherwise appropriate for their list.
> Also we don't see the IP address as static as we see the generic naming
> convention of *csuohio.edu* as dynamic and the WHOIS information doesn't
> indicate that the space is static. [snip]
It really sounds like you were dealing with an idiot and would have done
well to see if there was any other individual at Trend/MAPS with
maintenance access to their DUL.
> Seriously .. we're a college campus, not a colo. Org-Abuse roles is
> defined (and valid) and real people read the RFC2142 required addresses.
> What more do these people want?
Jon Lewis | I route
Senior Network Engineer | therefore you are
Atlantic Net |
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