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LOCAL: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Wed Jun 7 21:14:43 1995

Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 04:38:28 -0500
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@rose.uthscsa.edu>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu

X-Mn-Key: announce

From: Eric Zundel Ayers <eric@uxeric.compgen.com>
Subject: LOCAL: Atlanta Linux Enthusiasts
Keywords: Atlanta meeting ALE LUG Internet Mindspring
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Organization: ?
Approved: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.misc

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| | oooooooo| [        Atlanta        ]  o o  o |
| | oooooooo| [    Linux Enthusiasts  ]  8 8  8 |
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  Come and join your fellow Linux Enthusiasts
      for another high-spiritied meeting.

               Thursday 8 June
                    7:00 PM
       Georgia Tech College of Computing
                    Room 17


     This month, Representatives from Mindspring 
   Enterprises will be talking about Linux and the 
Internet, and describe some of the technical workings 
         of an Internet Service Provider. 


 We are always looking for new speakers!  Send e-mail to
    ale-admin@cc.gatech.edu if you are interested in 
              addressing the group!

 To subscribe to the ALE mailing list, send e-mail
     to majordomo@cc.gatech.edu with the line
       subscribe ale <your e-mail address>
           in the body of the message.

              We'll see you there!

       For more info, visit the ALE web page:

    Directions to the Georgia Tech College of Computing:

             Here's the gist of it:

      If you are driving from south of Atlanta:

 1a. Take I-85 or I-75 North to Exit #101 (10th Street/14th Street/Ga Tech).
 2a. Take a left onto 10th Street at the light at the end of the ramp.
 3a. Go straight through 1 traffic light. 

      If you are coming from north of Atlanta:

 1b. Take I-85, GA 400, or I-75 south to the 14th street exit.
 2b. Continue straight through the first stop light.
 3b. Turn right onto tenth street.

     If you are coming from east or west of Atlanta

 1c. Take I-20 to downtown atlanta
 2c. Get on I-75/I-85 north.
 3c. goto 4; 

 4. Take a left onto Fowler Street at the next light, immediately after the
      basketball arena. (Big dome shaped building)
 5. Take a right onto Ferst Street, at the first light.
 6. Take a left onto Plum Street, at the first stop sign.
 7. The College of Computing is the second building on your right.
 8. Park behind the building in the small lot immediately behind the College
     of Computing, or along the street behind the building.
     ***** DON'T PARK IN THE FENCED IN AREA (it gets locked  ~8:00) *****
 9. Continue walking down Plum street until you come to a set of stairs on the
    right between two buildings, walk up the stairs to the front door of the
    College of Computing.
 10. Room 17 is the first door through the hallway on the left.
 Covered Walkway         Front Door                                     
               |         |                                              
       ----+  \|/       \|/+--------------   +---------+ |       |      
       MiRC| ------------ /               |  |         | |       |      
           | ------------|   College of   |  | Biology | |       |      
           |       ==    |   Computing    |  |         | |       |      
           |       ==    |                |  |         | |       |      
           |       ==    +----------------+  +---------+ |       |      
           |      |  | +------+      ^--- Loading Dock   | Ferst |      
           |      |  | | !NO! |   +------+               |  St.  |      
   --------+      |  | +------+   |  OK  |               |       |      
           |      |  |  | |       +--  --+             STOP      |      
           -------------| |---------|  |-----------------+       +----  
                                     Plum Street                       
   -------+   +----------------------------------------+       +----  
          |   |                                          |     STOP     
          |   |                                          |       |      
                 INFIRMARY                                Fowler        
Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov
PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.

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