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COMMERCIAL: Red Hat Linux Developers Program

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Lars Wirzenius)
Wed Jun 7 21:32:36 1995

Date: Wed, 7 Jun 1995 04:38:24 -0500
From: Lars Wirzenius <wirzeniu@rose.uthscsa.edu>
To: linux-activists@niksula.hut.fi, linux-announce@vger.rutgers.edu

X-Mn-Key: announce

From: Marc Ewing <marc@redhat.com>
Subject: COMMERCIAL: Red Hat Linux Developers Program
Summary: Support and monthly Red Hat CD-ROM releases
Organization: Red Hat Software
Keywords: Red Hat developers program CD-ROM support
Newsgroups: comp.os.linux.announce
Approved: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov (Lars Wirzenius)
Followup-to: comp.os.linux.misc


May 30, 1995

Durham, NC -- Red Hat Inc. is pleased to announce a new program
designed for the serious Linux user, including Linux users who are
rolling out Linux for organizational, and corporate use, and Linux
developers of tools and applications.

Offered directly by the team who build and maintain the Red Hat
Commercial Linux distribution, this program will prove to be
invaluable to the serious developer whose timely access to information
is mission critical.

The program consists of the following:

1) Monthly CD-ROM updates of Red Hat Commercial Linux

       Members of the Red Hat Developers Program will receive on CD-ROM
       the absolute latest hot-off-the-burner Red Hat Commercial Linux
       release monthly.  These releases are only available through the
       Developers Program -- general public releases are only made
       quarterly.  Each monthly release will contain new and upgraded
       RPPs (Red Hat Program Packages), tracking the latest in stable
       Linux components and Red Hat administration tools, as well as
       providing important timely security fixes.  To update your
       installation each month, simply mount the new CD and run the
       provided update program which queries your system and upgrades
       all your installed RPPs.

2) Red Hat Notes with each CD-ROM 

       These notes detail the changes from the previous release and
       related issues, and introduce issues that will become important
       in the future.

3) A private developers mailing list

       The developers mailing list will be used for discussion of Linux
       and Red Hat Commercial Linux.  It will also be used to keep
       members up to date on Linux issues, saving the time and effort
       of searching through thousands of Usenet posts and subscribing
       to dozens of mailing lists.

The many benefits of membership in the Developers Program include:

      Announce availability of your products the moment Red Hat ships
      a new public release!
  The ability to develop and test your products against new technologies
  before they ship on a new public release of Red Hat Commercial Linux
  will help you maintain a competitive edge in your market.  The
  Developers Program provides for this in three ways.  1) The Red Hat
  Notes help you keep up with changes to Linux and Red Hat Commercial
  Linux.  2) The monthly CD-ROMs provide you with updated code as fast
  as possible.  3) The Developers Program mailing list allows instant
  notification of updates.
      Membership ensures your questions will not go unanswered.
  Developing for Linux can sometimes feel like shooting at a moving
  target.  Red Hat Commercial Linux is designed to alleviate that
  problem, but regardless, in today's market software developers need
  accurate, timely support.  Support is provided to Program members
  through the private mailing list and a private support email address,
  which is always staffed.  The mailing list gets you the latest patches
  as they are produced.  And finally, the Red Hat Notes point out issues
  before they can cause you trouble.
      Members spend less time looking for information, and more time
      creating quality products.
  In order to support applications on Linux you need to know what is in
  store for Linux in the future.  The CD-ROM subscription provides you
  with versions of tools and utilities that may not appear in commercial
  versions of Linux for months.  The Red Hat Notes will highlight which
  developments you should review.  The mailing list gets you key
  information on a timely basis without the investment of effort
  required to review dozens of magazines, hundreds of newsgroups, or
  thousands of postings and messages.
      Your needs become Red Hat Commercial Linux features.
  Through the private mailing list, for Program members only, you will
  be kept informed as to the future plans for Red Hat Commercial Linux.
  Indeed, your input will count a great deal when we make important
  design decisions and technology choices.
  Through the Program, you may contract with Red Hat Inc. to provide
  development, packaging, and installation services.

Membership in the Red Hat Developers Program is being offered at an
introductory price of only $299 per year.

For more information please call or contact:

-- Red Hat Inc. --> "Moving at the speed of Linux."
(800) 454-5502; (203) 454-5500; (203) 454-2582 (fax); program@redhat.com 
WWW: http://www.redhat.com/  --  FTP: ftp://ftp.redhat.com/

ACC Corp., Inc.
"Home of the PC UNIX - Linux Catalog"
(800) 454-5502 or (203) 454-5500  fax: (203) 454-2582
info@acc-corp.com  or  http://www.acc-corp.com/

Send submissions for comp.os.linux.announce to: linux-announce@news.ornl.gov
PLEASE remember Keywords: and a short description of the software.

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