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Release 7.4 Doc Feedback

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (kcunning@Athena.MIT.EDU)
Tue Jun 23 11:46:18 1992

From: kcunning@Athena.MIT.EDU
To: dcns@Athena.MIT.EDU, acs@Athena.MIT.EDU, css@Athena.MIT.EDU,
Cc: kcunning@Athena.MIT.EDU, cavan@Athena.MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 92 11:44:23 EDT

I am getting ready to incorporate any final revisions to the Athena 7.4 Release
document (the "User Release Notes").  If you have any comments/suggestions
about the document, please get them to me by early Thursday of this week
(June 25).  Thanks!

(If you don't have a copy of the current draft and would like to give me
feedback, let me know and get a copy to you.)

--Kevin Cunningham

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