[33] in release-74

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7.4F is ready for testing

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Release Engineering at ATHENA)
Thu Jun 11 16:42:57 1992

Date: Thu, 11 Jun 92 16:36:36 -0400
To: "Friendly Testers" <devnull@odie.mit.edu>
From: "Release Engineering at ATHENA" <builder@Athena.MIT.EDU>

7.4F is ready for testing; the packs will be released in the next several
minutes.  Update is per usual as sent in past messages.

Changes in this release:

		fix bugs with selecting past end of text
		Add info on andrew.cmu.edu realm
		Add info on iastate.edu realm
		removed nit that strictly ANSI cpp disagrees with
		prevent coredump on Decstation if moira server down.
		(re-link of all moira clients)
		NULLS in corrupted files fixed
		Reverse video fix
		scrollbar fixes & memory leak fix
	Much of Andrew system rebuilt
		Added support for noremote
		potential bug checking mod time of second motd file
		update motd if timestamp doesn't match current one,
		not just if greater.
		delete key now works correctly in printer dialog
		arrow keys now work automatically in list widget
		delete key behaviour fixes
		make "renew" actually try again
		delete key behaviour fixes
		fixed to correctly create file in /tmp
		added missing colon after *motd.font
		RS/6000 now uses common Xsession file
		/bin/csh should always be overridden by /bin/athena/tcsh
		read user's resource limits from db instead of inheriting
		them from init.
		Change cpu time soft limit from 1hr to month (previously, was
		ignored by xlogin)
	Installed version 2.2 of xlf (fortran compiler)
		/usr/bin/f77 now exists
	Created man page symlink
		/usr/man/cat1/f77 is a symlink to /usr/man/cat1/fortran

An updated copy of the release notes will be available shortly.

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