[31] in release-74

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7.4E is ready for testing

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Release Engineering at ATHENA)
Wed Jun 3 18:24:47 1992

Date: Wed, 3 Jun 92 18:21:54 -0400
To: "Friendly Testers" <devnull@odie.mit.edu>
From: "Release Engineering at ATHENA" <builder@Athena.MIT.EDU>

7.4E is ready for testing.  Update is per usual as sent in past messages.

Changes in this release:

	Change quota warnings to have politically correct wording

	install man page links for fxcl.3

	add translations for osfBackSpace and osfDelete

		olh_motif and xolc rebuilt to use new libMu

		olh built-in viewer widened to show 80 columns.

		resources modified to make clock update correctly

	Work around; X server does not join rectangles correctly.
	/etc/Xws - Fixes copyplane turd bug
	/usr/athena/lib/update/do_update - fix bug in updating X server &
		support for 100dpi/grayscale monitors
	/athena/bin/login/login.c: fix bug with 8 char usernames

		Workaround for RS/6000 shared library problem; string to
		bitmap converter not linked in unless explicitly referenced.

An updated copy of the release notes will be coming shortly.

If you have encounter any problems with the release, send a bug report
to <testers@MIT.EDU>.


Current Bets, from the whiteboard in E40-342a:

   Craig:    K/D
   Ezra:     F/R
   jweiss:   J/M
   Kim:      T
   Lucien:   G/E
   Mark:     E/L
   probe:    H/L
   wesommer: K/L

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