[30] in release-74

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7.4D is ready for testing

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Release Engineering at ATHENA)
Fri May 29 16:58:46 1992

Date: Fri, 29 May 92 16:53:35 -0400
To: To: "Friendly Testers" <devnull@odie.mit.edu>
From: "Release Engineering at ATHENA" <builder@Athena.MIT.EDU>

7.4D is ready for testing.  Update is per usual as sent in past messages.

Changes in this release:

		Reset signal handler for SIGPIPE to default before execing
		xlogin, so that children don't ignore it by default.
		Ensure open file descriptor to X server lasts accross
		execs. (was broken for Sun's and Ultrix)
		fix up documentation
		warn when user reaches 90% of quota
		rebuild help index with correct path
	Add 4M to root parition out of the unallocated slush (if space is
	available and it hasn't been increased already) because we need the
	extra space for the binaries we are installing this release.

	Change the percentage used for AFS cache only partitions to be 85%
	instead of 90%

An updated copy of the release notes can be found in

If you have encounter any problems with the release, send a bug report
to <testers@MIT.EDU>.


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