[28] in release-74

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7.4C is ready for testing

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Release Engineering at ATHENA)
Tue May 26 20:34:59 1992

Date: Tue, 26 May 92 20:32:42 -0400
To: "Friendly Testers" <devnull@odie.mit.edu>
From: "Release Engineering at ATHENA" <builder@Athena.MIT.EDU>

7.4C is ready for testing.  Update is per usual as sent in past messages.

Changes in this release:

		Was misconfigured and did not log mail properly
		Fixed to log locally and remote. Old functionality was
		one or the other. 
		Leave room in swdevt so that mkserv can fill in later.
		This will allow multiple swap partitions soon.
		Now has a proper host. Was using ns.nic.ddn.mil.
		make /etc/athena/xdm a symlink to the srvd

		(For ultrix nsyslog.conf)
		(Edit rs6k remote/console login banner to not mention athena
		 version number)
                retry if name query fails with TRY_AGAIN (can happen if
                nameserver is slow to start up during initialization)
		Be sure to send QUIT pop command back to server before exiting
		Fix bug where a '.' in the 128th column could hose mail.
	Changes to the kernel:
		afs/afs_cache.c, afs/afs_memcache.c:
			Fixes for memory cache support
			LRU improvement
			Fix for trying to write to cache when partition at 100%
			as user. (Allows little extra slush up to 110% limit)
		gives correct number of missing names in kernel to syslog
		create /srvd/patch as a symlink to
		/afs/athena.mit.edu/system/@sys/patch.74 (with version
		number changing automatically as appropriate)
		typo- changes should be in .cshrc.mine instead of .cshrc
	/etc/athena/xdm/* now contains the configuration for xdm.
			It is still a symlink from workstation root.
			(7.1 compatibility removed)
	/usr/athena/etc/xdm: Fixes for possible utmp corruption
		Fixes for possible utmp corruption
		space after "7.4" in resources removed
		pathname to idle motd changed
		install complete set of links for moira.3
	/usr/andrew/dlib/atk/buttonv.do is now copied to packs so neos
		will work
		make idle motd line up with left edge of owl, not "press
		any key" use 9x15 (fixed) font instead of proportional font,
		to allow things to be ined up.
		location of idle motd file changed

An updated copy of the release notes will be coming shortly.

If you have encounter any problems with the release, send a bug report
to <testers@MIT.EDU>.


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