[27] in release-74

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7.4B is ready for testing

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Release Engineering at ATHENA)
Wed May 20 19:01:17 1992

Date: Wed, 20 May 92 18:58:58 -0400
To: "Friendly Testers" <devnull@odie.mit.edu>
From: "Release Engineering at ATHENA" <builder@Athena.MIT.EDU>

7.4B is ready for testing.  Update is per usual as sent in past messages.

Changes in this release:

	NOREMOTE support accidentially left out in integration; added back in
		Fix typo in installs. 
		Don't assume that ${SITE}/usr/vice exists
	/srvd/site/usr/vice moved to /srvd/site/vice
	/etc/disktab - Added Fujitsu 2266 disktab entry as used by ops

	NOREMOTE support accidentially left out in integration; added back in
		Fix typo in installs. Preliminary support for Maxines
		Don't assume that ${SITE}/usr/vice exists
	/srvd/var/usr/vice moved to /srvd/usr/vice
	/etc/athena/rc.athena: Change AFSADJUST rules for machines with 
		/usr/vice/cache as it's own partition, to use the available
		space more efficiently.

		install two new bitmaps for xmh:
				Don't assume /usr/vice points to /site/usr/vice
				Don't assume /usr/vice points to /site/usr/vice
	athena/athena.etc/xdm/xlogin: make; make install
		Motd added to idle screen of Xlogin.
	/etc/rc & /etc/athena/rc.athena
		Remove /etc/athena/login/*.local as part of public ws cleanup
		Added /etc/athena/xserver.conf for future configuration
			of 100dpi and grayscale monitors.
		Make an obscure error message informative and send it to
		stderr instead of stdout
		install update.conf on all platforms

A copy of the release notes can be found in

If you have encounter any problems with the release, send a bug report
to <testers@MIT.EDU>.


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