[25] in release-74

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7.4 is ready

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Release Engineering at ATHENA)
Mon May 18 23:23:33 1992

Date: Mon, 18 May 92 23:21:07 -0400
To: "Friendly Testers" <devnull@odie.mit.edu>
From: "Release Engineering at ATHENA" <builder@Athena.MIT.EDU>


WARNING: If you are on an RS/6000, ignore this message until 7am Tuesday
morning when a hesiod change has gone through. If you are on a DS5000/25
(Maxine) your machine must be reinstalled before taking any updates.

If you are a the proud owner of a "friendly-test" machine, you can now
update to the latest and not too much different release:

To determine if your workstation is a "friendly-test" machine, type:

	hesinfo `hostname` cluster

If the line:

	syslib e40dev-sys 7.4A

or Tuesday morning

	syslib e40test-sys	(VAX, RT, DECstation)
	syslib e40test-rssys	(RS/6000's only)

appears in the data returned, then you may proceed with the update.  If
this line does not appear, do not even consider taking the release, do
not pass go and do not collect $200 (instead, talk to a member of Release
Engineering if you want to register your workstation as a friendly-test

We do encourage that all friendly testers take the update, and we shall
strongly encourage it in a couple of days by forcing all friendly
test machines to use the new packs. (backwards compatibility y'know)

To update your machine:

    1) Login as root on the console.

       On a VAX, RT, or DECstation:

          Shutdown X, by hitting CTRL-P on the machine.  Depress and
          release the CTRL key when the "login:" banner appears; the
          kernel does not properly reset the keyboard when X is
          shutdown.  Then login as "root" (the default password is

       On a RISC/6000:

          Hit ALT-ACT to switch to the "console" hft.  Then login as
          root (the default password is "mrroot").

    2) Attach the new packs.

       VAX, RT, and DECstation users

            /bin/athena/detach -h -n -a
            /bin/athena/attach -h -n e40test-sys
            /etc/shutdown now

       It will take about 30 seconds for the machine to shutdown.  After
       30 seconds, you will see a warning message of the form:

            WARNING: Something is hung (wont die); ps axl advised

       Ignore it.

       You should now see a # prompt.  Press <RETURN> and make sure a
       new # prompt appears on the next line.  If it appears on the
       same line, typing

            /usr/ucb/reset  (which will not appear in this situation)

       will correct the problem.  This problem has been most evident
       if you force a shutdown while X is running (ie. not following
       the directions in step 1).

       RISC/6000 users
            /bin/athena/detach -h -n -a
	    /bin/athena/attach -h -n e40test-sys
    3) Type:


       This may ask you to press <RETURN> or prompt you for other information.
       The prompts should be intelligible (you've no doubt gone through all
       these questions during previous updates; there's nothing radically new
       in this update).

    4) After the update says it has updated the version number and another
       # prompt has appeared, type:

	    /etc/reboot -q


   1. Using Andrew with 7.4
         The issues of version skew with andrew and a new release have
	 been solved. You will be able to continue to use the "andrew"
	 locker as you are used to.

   2. DECstation 5000/25 Maxines must be reinstalled. This will not be
	ready for one or two days.

That's all folks!

If you have any problems with updating a friendly test machine, contact
Release Engineering <release@MIT.EDU> after verifying that you did
follow the above directions.

If you have encounter any problems with the release, send a bug report
to <testers@MIT.EDU>


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