[24] in release-74

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Re: Friendly Testers for Release 7.4 (please read)

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (geer@world.std.com)
Thu May 7 16:00:49 1992

To: Mark Rosenstein <mar@MIT.EDU>
Cc: dcns@MIT.EDU, isacs@MIT.EDU, css@MIT.EDU, testers-announce@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: Your message of "Wed, 06 May 92 17:48:36 EDT."
Date: Thu, 07 May 92 15:58:15 -0400
From: geer@world.std.com

    We're putting together the list of workstations that will take the
    early test version of Athena Release 7.4.  This will be available for
    Vax, RT, RS/6000 and DECstations.  Friendly test will commence
    sometime next week, and run until early June at which point we will
    enter Field Test and expect most IS staff to become testers.

will be happy to test;
please send workstation


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