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Re: Postscript version 2.0 on the LN02

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Chris VanHaren)
Tue Apr 28 18:14:46 1992

To: nschmidt@Athena.MIT.EDU
Cc: release-74@Athena.MIT.EDU
From: Chris VanHaren <vanharen@MIT.EDU>
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 92 18:14:12 BST

> From: ellis@Athena.MIT.EDU
> To: nschmidt@Athena.MIT.EDU
> Subject: Postscript printers at Athena
>    Today, a matlab user tried printing a plot generated by matlab 4.0 on
> an Athena printer. This particular plot (postscript version 2.0) will
> not print on an Athena LNO3r printer, since these printers are postscript
> version 1. Two questions:
>       1) Are there any plans to upgrade/replace the printers any time soon? 
>       2) Anyone in particular I should talk to about printer requirements
>          like this?

PostScript Level 2 is the version that Adobe is currently pushing.  It
is backwardly compatible with Level 1, however, it is not forwardly
compatible, as this Matlab user discovered.

Since there are a huge number of PSL1 printers out there, and probably
comparatively few PSL2 printers, it was probably premature of Matlab to
switch to Level 2 completely, if that is in fact the case.  I would hope
that there is some sort of configuration file or something which can be
changed to get Matlab to generate PSL1.  If not, I would suggest
complaining to the vendor.

> Can anyone answer this question?  How is it tied to the release?  Is there
> anything we should/can do about it?
> 				Naomi

Upgrading the printers to PSL2 should not be tied in any way to the
release.  It should simply be a matter of upgrading the ROMs or some
such thing on the individual printers.  It would be nice to do, assuming
there is money available for it, since PSL2 is faster and provides some
nice new operators, however, I would not consider it a high priority at
this time.  Someone may want to investigate the price/availability of
upgrades from DEC.  Perhaps any new printers bought should be PSL2 if
the price is not substantially higher than their PSL1 counterparts...


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