[17] in release-74

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Re: mkserv remote for RS/6000

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Richard Basch)
Wed Apr 22 19:40:04 1992

Date: Wed, 22 Apr 92 19:39:25 -0400
To: Mark Rosenstein <mar@MIT.EDU>
Cc: release-74@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: Mark Rosenstein's message of Wed, 22 Apr 92 10:57:58 -0400,
From: "Richard Basch" <basch@MIT.EDU>

Actually, some users have complained.

"mkserv remote" fully enables remote access, thus rendering
access_{on,off} not necessary for such a machine.  The question really
is whether we wish to support access_{on,off} for machines that are not
generally setup for remote logins (mainly public workstations).  I know
some users would like this ability, but the previous requirement was to
be able to do "mkserv remote" and setup a private workstation so that
the user could log into it from a PAD.

So, really, this is an additional requirement for the release, and
should probably be referred back to the "arteam".  Implementing
access_{on,off} would best be done by running a second inetd, and the
investigation of inetd was previously at a priority 3.  There are other
methods of implementing this which involve editing inetd.conf, but
again, some new file must be present for security considerations (I do
not want private machines to be vulnerable to having a
specifically-disabled service enabled by these commands).

Questions: Is this a priority 1?  It is past code-cut, and nothing has
been done to address this yet, because it was not on the priority list.


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