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HUMOR: Yes Darling, I Have a Headache...

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (abennett@MIT.EDU)
Tue Aug 9 10:24:32 1994

From: abennett@MIT.EDU
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 94 10:21:53 -0400
To: humor@MIT.EDU


Sort of adds spice to the question: "Doctor, do you have anything for this
pain?"  ;>

	 LONDON (Reuter) - A headache is no reason for rebuffing a
partner's amorous overtures, and in fact, sex may tackle the
pain as effectively as an aspirin, a British health expert said
	 ``The combination of sex and pleasure makes sex a great way
to beat stress and its damaging effects on the heart,
circulation and immune systems,'' Kaye Wellings of the London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine wrote in the magazine
Which Way to Health.
	 Wellings, director of the school's sexual health program,
said endorphin hormones produced during intercourse have a
pain-killing effect as well as producing a feeling of

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