[3281] in Humor

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HUMOR: People Do The Strangest Things

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Sharalee M. Field)
Wed Aug 9 23:38:10 2000

Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000 23:16:36 -0400
To: humor@MIT.EDU, mowu@MIT.EDU, "MEGallagh@aol.com" <MEGallagh@aol.com>,
        kris@speechcode.com, jbran18610@aol.com, dunbar@MIT.EDU, dahv@MIT.EDU,
        mtsai@bqa.com, immer@MIT.EDU, jacktheflash@mediaone.net,
        tlawlor@palmerdodge.com, tenn917@msn.com, lindamarc@juno.com,
        bmendell@mediaone.net, nkahn@gph.com, GDeVoe@rimco.com,
        Maryellen Fitzgibbon <mfitzgib@fas.harvard.edu>,
        Cheryl Guarino Buccelli <c_buccelli@harvard.edu>,
        leite@fas.harvard.edu, Courtney Nichols <crnichol@fas.harvard.edu>,
        wthtx@aol.com, "mbullet@fas.harvard.edu" <mbullet@fas.harvard.edu>
From: "Sharalee M. Field" <sharalee_field@harvard.edu>

>From: "Joke of the Day" <Joker@joker.org>
>Subject: People Do The Strangest Things - Joke Of The Day
>Date: Fri, 01 Oct 1999 00:07:53 -0500
>  The Original Joke of the Day           http://www.joker.org
>  ___________________________________________________________
>  People Do The Strangest Things
>  -------------------------------
>  Putting Our Loved Ones At Risk For A Photo.
>  ********************************************
>  In May of 1994, Tony Moore, 43, of Marietta, Georgia,
>  was gored and seriously injured by a large male bison
>  in Yellowstone, next to the Lake Hotel. Moore and a
>  friend had approached to within 15 feet of the bison
>  to have their pictures taken. While they were standing
>  with their backs to the animal, it charged. Moore's
>  companion escaped, but Moore received a severe puncture
>  wound in his right thigh and was taken by ambulance to
>  a hospital in Jackson for treatment. ....
>  Watching For Falling Rocks.
>  ****************************
>  A visitor setting up camp at Lake Eleanor in Yosemite
>  National Park hit herself on the head with a rock while
>  trying to string up her food to protect it from bears.
>  Requesting Assistance.
>  ***********************
>  In 1994, a woman visiting from the Bay Area embarked
>  on a solo hike to the summit of El Captian in Yosemite.
>  When she became lost and saw a storm brewing, she called
>  911 from her cellular phone and asked to be rescued. A
>  helicopter found her barely off the trail and one-fourth to
>  half a mile from the top of El Cap. When the 'copter lifted
>  off and the woman saw how close she was to her summit
>  goal, she asked the crew to set her down on top. When the
>  crew declined, she threatened to sue them for kidnapping. ...
>  Caring For The Creatures
>  **************************
>  A woman, appearing rather distraught, came into the visitor
>  center at Redwood National Park in California to report
>  that she had seen several Irish setters lying along the
>  edge of the highway and she feared they were dead or
>  injured. Rangers explained to her that these were pieces
>  of redwood bark that had fallen off logging trucks.
>  __________________________________________________________

Sharalee M. Field, Planning Analyst			
Faculty of Arts and Sciences Planning Office
Harvard University
60 John F. Kennedy Street, Cambridge MA 02138
V: 617.495.8257   F: 617.495.7881   C: 617.512.7847

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