[3278] in Humor

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Re: Joke for YOU!

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Andrew Bennett)
Tue Aug 8 18:27:40 2000

Date: Tue, 08 Aug 2000 18:21:39 -0700
From: Andrew Bennett <abennett@MIT.EDU>
CC: humor@mit.edu

I am the founder (1988) and former moderator of humor@mit.edu.  Sadly, when I left
the 'tute in '97, I also surrendered moderator duties.  Perhaps we need another one?


Susan wrote:

> Tom Sobczynski says:
> >OK, enough is enough.
> I agree.  And that's why there now exists the list, humor-flame@mit.edu.
> Or at least there will as of the Wednesday morning moira update.
> Because humor is for jokes.  Amusing things.  Even things that aren't quite
> jokes, but are.  (Seriously, I've heard enough of the things that go out
> unadulterated over this list at least once before, if not three times, and nobody
> would be complaining if Rhett had told "two tents" straight.)
> I hesitate to set myself up as any kind of arbiter of comedy around here, but
> I'm just not that amused by people complaining about other people's sense of
> humor or lack thereof.  I don't think people should send messages like this one,
> for example, to humor.  If you want to send mail like this in the future, send
> it to humor-flame.  If you want to read it, then type
> blanche humor-flame -a <username>
> at the athena prompt, where <username> is your username.  If you're not on
> Athena, I have no idea why you would want to be on the list either, but I'm
> sure there's a way.
> And you don't have to use this just for Rhett's jokes.  Feel free to grouse
> about Darwin awards you didn't think were particularly stupid, jokes that you
> thought were much better in your version with the nun and the cockatiel rather
> than the rabbi and the three-toed sloth, the Nth forwarding of cookie recipes,
> whatever.  Knock yourselves out.
> We now return you to your regularly scheduled humor mail.
> -Susan

Dr. Andrew Bennett                         Standard Disclaimers Apply
26 Centre Ave.                                  Phone: (617) 661-7068
Belmont, MA 02478-1501                          abennett@alum.mit.edu

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