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Fwd: Fw: moon walk

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Beth Dubeck)
Thu Mar 23 12:44:11 2000

Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2000 12:32:01 -0500
To: humor@MIT.EDU, jbenincasa@sprynet.com, CCaaders@aol.com, cmccall@bu.edu,
        David.T.McCall.9@nd.edu, oymrome@dreamscape.com, pbdubeck@CYBERNEX.NET,
        fdubeck@borg.com, mkmccall@aol.com, t99cat@aol.com, juniper267@aol.com,
        Centra@moa.bc.edu, ariels@MIT.EDU, ruadh@MIT.EDU, paulhanley@juno.com,
        x0tkenn@vm.stlawu.edu, <tcvanesi@yahoo.com>
From: Beth Dubeck <bdubeck@MIT.EDU>

>X-Originating-Ip: []
>From: "Jenni Conning" <tuba_on_skis@hotmail.com>
>To: bdubeck@MIT.EDU, cfoss@gonzaga.edu, me1540@juno.com,
>        black_cat21@hotmail.com, dmmagyk@hotmail.com, dhg7@cornell.edu,
>        dkiren@hotmail.com, hmayhem@hotmail.com, j_gauer@hotmail.com,
>        jdipnar@hotmail.com, nthomas@park6.k12.wy.us,
>        PaleoJosh@aol.com, rje3@po.cwru.edu, WYSESR@muohio.edu,
>        vitalykushnir@yahoo.com, zsingson@rice.edu
>Subject: Fwd: Fw: moon walk
>Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 17:32:20 MST
>  On July 20, 1969, as commander of the Apollo 11
> > Lunar
> > Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set
> > foot on the moon.  His first words after stepping on
> > the moon,  "That's one small step for a man, one
> > giant leap for mankind", were televised to Earth and
> > heard by millions.
> >
> > But just before he reentered the lander, he made
> > the enigmatic remark: "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky."
> > Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark
> > concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut.  However,
> > upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the
> > Russian or American space programs.
> >
> > Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as
> > to what the "Good luck Mr. Gorsky" statement meant,
> > but
> > Armstrong always just smiled.
> >
> > On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while
> > answering questions following a speech, a reporter
> > brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong.
> > This time he finally responded.  Mr. Gorsky had died
> > and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the
> > question.
> >
> > In 1938 when he was a kid in a small Midwest town,
> > he was playing baseball with a friend in the
> > backyard.
> > His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his
> > neighbor's yard by the bedroom windows.  His
> > neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky.
> > As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young
> > Armstrong heard Mrs.Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky.
> > "Sex! You want sex?!
> > You'll get sex when the kid next door
> > walks on the moon!"
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