[3140] in Humor

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A little bit of political humor

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Michael Khusid)
Wed Mar 22 12:23:13 2000

From: "Michael Khusid" <misha37@hotmail.com>
To: humor@MIT.EDU
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2000 12:21:52 EST

>George W. Bush, in an airport lobby, noticed a man in a long flowing white
>robe with a long flowing white beard and flowing white hair.  The man had a
>staff in one hand and some stone tablets under the other arm.
>George W. approached the man and inquired, "Aren't you Moses?"
>The man ignored George W. and stared at the ceiling.
>George W.  positioned himself more directly in the man's view and asked
>again, "Aren't you Moses?"
>The man continued to peruse the ceiling.
>George W. tugged at the man's sleeve and asked once again, "Aren't you
>The man finally responded in an irritated voice, "Yes, I am."
>George W. asked him why he was so uppity, and the man replied, "The last
>time I spoke to a Bush I had to spend forty years in the desert."
>Source:  Jack Whittaker and J.V. Reistrup

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