[1740] in Humor

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daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Andrew Bennett)
Thu Dec 5 09:37:11 1996

Date: Thu, 5 Dec 1996 09:28:51 -0500
To: humor@MIT.EDU
From: abennett@MIT.EDU (Andrew Bennett)

Date: Wed, 4 Dec 1996 22:47:32 -0800
From: connie@interserve.com (Connie Kleinjans)

                       A WEEK IN LONDON
                         by Dave Barry

Recently my family and I spent a week in London, which is a popular
foreign place to visit because they have learned to speak some English
over there. Although frankly they have a long way to go. Often, when
they get to the crucial part of a sentence, they'll realize that they
don't know the correct words, so they'll just make some silly ones up. I
had a lot of conversations that sounded like this:

ME: Excuse me. Could you tell us how to get to Buckingham Palace?

BRITISH PERSON: Right. You go down this street here, then you nip up the

ME: We should nip up the weckershams?

BRITISH PERSON: Right. Then you take your first left, then you just pop
'round the gorn-and-scumbles, and, Jack's a doughnut, there you are!

ME: Jack's a DOUGHNUT?


Also they have a lot of trouble with pronunciation, because they can't
move their jaw muscles, because of malnutrition caused by wisely
refusing to eat English food, much of which was designed and
manufactured in medieval times during the reign of King Walter the
Mildly Disturbed. Remember when you were in junior high school, and
sometimes the cafeteria workers would open up a large Army-surplus food
can left over from the Spanish-American War and serve you a scary-
looking dish with a name like "Tuna Bean Prune Cabbage Omelet Casserole
Surprise"? Well, they still have a LOT of food like that over in
England, on permanent display in bars, called "pubs," where people drink
for hours but nobody ever eats. We saw individual servings of pub food
that we recognized from our last visit, in 1978. Some dishes -- no
effort is made to conceal this fact -- contain KIDNEYS. We also saw one
dish with a sign next to it that said -- I swear I am not making this up
-- "Spotted Dick."

The English are very good at thinking up silly names. Here are some
actual stations on the London underground: Marylebone, Tooting Broadway,
Piccadilly Circus, Cockfosters, Frognal, Goodge Street, Mudchute,
Barking and East Ham. Londoners are apologetic about their underground,
which they believe has become filthy and noisy and dangerous, but which
is in fact far more civilized than the average American wedding
reception. At the height of rush hour, people on the London underground
actually say "excuse me." Imagine what would happen if you tried an
insane stunt like that on the New York City subway. The other passengers
would take it as a sign of weakness, and there'd be a fight over who got
to keep your ears as a trophy.

Our primary cultural activity in London was changing money. We had to do
this a lot because the dollar is very weak. Europeans use the dollar
primarily to apply shoe polish. So every day we'd go to one of the
money-changing places that are all over London, and we'd exchange some
dollars for British money, which consists of the "pound" and a wide
variety of mutant coins whose sizes and shapes are unrelated to their
values, and then we'd look for something to eat that had been invented
in this century, such as pizza, and we'd buy three slices for what we
later realized was $247.50, and then we'd change some money again.
Meanwhile, the Japanese tourists were exchanging THEIR money for items
such as Westminster Abbey.

In the interest of broadening our 10-year-old son's cultural awareness,
we visited some important historic sites, including the Tower of London,
the Dungeon, and Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, all of which are devoted
to explaining in clinical detail how various historic members of royalty
were whacked into small historic pieces. English history consists
largely of royal people getting their heads chopped off, which is why
members of the royal family now wear protective steel neck inserts,
which is why they walk the way they do.

Needless to say this brand of history was a hit with our son. He
especially enjoyed the guided "Jack the Ripper" tour that we took one
dark night with a very intense guide. "Right on this spot is where they
found the victim's intestines," she'd say. "And right here is where they
found the liver, which is now part of the food display of that pub over

Another cultural activity we frequently engaged in was looking the wrong
way before attempting to cross streets. The problem is that in America,
people drive on the RIGHT side of the street, whereas in London, they
drive on BOTH sides of the street, using hard-to-see cars about the size
of toaster ovens. The best way to handle this, as a tourist, is to
remain on one side of the street for your entire visit, and see the
other side on another trip.

But I definitely recommend London for anybody who enjoys culture and
could stand to lose a few pounds. I learned many things that will be of
great value to me, not just personally, but also professionally, and I'm
not saying that just to be polite to the English. I'm saying it because
of Internal Revenue Service regulations.


Andrew Bennett                         MIT Department Ocean Engineering
MIT Room 5-424                                    77 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, MA  02139 <Standard Disclaimers Apply> Phone: (617) 253-7950
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