[1194] in RISKS Forum
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (RISKS List Owner)
Wed Feb 7 15:28:43 1996
From: RISKS List Owner <risko@csl.sri.com>
Date: Wed, 7 Feb 96 12:27:12 PST
To: risks@MIT.EDU
RISKS-LIST: Risks-Forum Digest Weds 7 February 1996 Volume 17 : Issue 69
ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator
***** See last item for further information, disclaimers, etc. *****
REPORT: Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers (Matt Blaze)
RISKS (and lack thereof) of typing credit-card numbers (Olin Sibert)
Over the air: More cellular-phone risks (Bob Frankston)
Subway Difficulties (Mark Neely)
Re: Unintended Missile Launches (Pete McVay)
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy (Dale M. Johnson)
ABRIDGED info on RISKS (comp.risks)
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 1996 01:59:31 -0500
From: Matt Blaze <mab@research.att.com>
Subject: REPORT: Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers
At the request of the Business Software Alliance (BSA), an ad hoc
panel of seven cryptologists and computer scientists met last November
to address the question of the minimum key length required to provide
adequate security against exhaustive search in commercial applications
of symmetric cryptosystems. We have just completed our report.
We adopted a simple, and somewhat conservative, methodology in an
effort to gain a realistic understanding of what size keys might
actually be vulnerable in practice. It is common in analysis of key
length to give all benefit of the doubt to the capabilities of the
potential attacker and to make very generous assumptions about the
technology and resources that might be available to mount an attack.
In our analysis, however, we assumed that the attacker would employ
only conventional, commercially-mature technologies and would be
limited by budget and time constraints. We used several different
technologies to design attack strategies that accommodate the budgets
of various hypothetical attackers, from individual ``hackers'' to
well-funded enterprises. Our conclusions, therefore, represent an
approximation of an ``upper bound'' on the strength of various size
keys; I believe more efficient attacks than those we considered might
also be possible and should be taken into account by the prudent
cryptosystem designer.
The abstract of the report follows below.
A PostScript copy of the full text of the report is available in
An ASCII version is available in
(The report will also likely appear on the BSA's web site shortly).
-matt (speaking only for himself)
Minimal Key Lengths for Symmetric Ciphers
to Provide Adequate Commercial Security
A Report by an Ad Hoc Group of
Cryptographers and Computer Scientists
Matt Blaze (1)
Whitfield Diffie (2)
Ronald L. Rivest (3)
Bruce Schneier (4)
Tsutomu Shimomura (5)
Eric Thompson (6)
Michael Wiener (7)
January 1996
Encryption plays an essential role in protecting the privacy of
electronic information against threats from a variety of potential
attackers. In so doing, modern cryptography employs a combination of
_conventional_ or _symmetric_ cryptographic systems for
encrypting data and _public key_ or _asymmetric_ systems for
managing the _keys_ used by the symmetric systems. Assessing the
strength required of the symmetric cryptographic systems is therefore
an essential step in employing cryptography for computer and
communication security.
Technology readily available today (late 1995) makes
_brute-force_ attacks against cryptographic systems considered adequate
for the past several years both fast and cheap. General purpose
computers can be used, but a much more efficient approach is to employ
commercially available _Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA)_
technology. For attackers prepared to make a higher initial
investment, custom-made, special-purpose chips make such calculations
much faster and significantly lower the amortized cost per solution.
As a result, cryptosystems with 40-bit keys offer virtually no
protection at this point against brute-force attacks. Even the U.S.
Data Encryption Standard with 56-bit keys is increasingly inadequate.
As cryptosystems often succumb to `smarter' attacks than brute-force
key search, it is also important to remember that the keylengths
discussed here are the minimum needed for security against the
computational threats considered.
Fortunately, the cost of very strong encryption is not
significantly greater than that of weak encryption. Therefore, to
provide adequate protection against the most serious threats ---
well-funded commercial enterprises or government intelligence agencies
--- keys used to protect data today should be at least 75 bits long.
To protect information adequately for the next 20 years in the face of
expected advances in computing power, keys in newly-deployed systems
should be at least 90 bits long.
1. AT&T Research, mab@research.att.com
2. Sun Microsystems, diffie@eng.sun.com
3. MIT Laboratory for Computer Science, rivest@lcs.mit.edu
4. Counterpane Systems, schneier@counterpane.com
5. San Diego Supercomputer Center, tsutomu@sdsc.edu
6. Access Data, Inc., eric@accessdata.com
7. Bell Northern Research, wiener@bnr.ca
Date: Sat, 3 Feb 96 19:21:22 EST
From: Olin Sibert <wos@oxford.com>
Subject: RISKS (and lack thereof) of typing credit-card numbers
Recently, there has been much publicity about a problem inherent in
today's personal computers: software on a PC can recognize credit-card
numbers as they are typed on the keyboard, with no knowledge of why the
number is being typed, what application is running, etc. The RISK here
is that such software could be malicious--for example, it could run
invisibly in the background and send credit-card numbers it discovers to
its creator--anonymously and untraceably. The publicity came in press
interviews (San Jose Mercury News, 29 January 1996) and in subsequently
distributed material from First Virtual Holdings (FV). The problem is
characterized by FV as "fatal", as a "discovery", as "undermining every
known credit-card encryption mechanism for Internet commerce", and as
having no possible technical defenses or counter-measures.
Is this a RISK? If so, how to characterize it?
The discussion has revolved around four basic claims:
1) Keystrokes are easily captured by a relatively simple keyboard
sniffer program.
2) Typed credit-card numbers are easily recognizable, without need for
context or knowledge about user activity,
3) Malicious software can be easily and tracelessly infiltrated into
large numbers of consumer PCs
4) Credit-card numbers can be returned to a perpetrator using
invisible, untraceable, and anonymous means
How supportable are these claims? On closer examination, only the first
stands up especially well; the other three, though technically
possible, are by no means fatal or unavoidable.
In technical terms, there is certainly a RISK. The scenario described
in the newspaper article, and elaborated on by Nat Borenstein (FV's
Chief Scientist) is technically accurate: malicious programs can
transmit information to parties who oughtn't have it.
This is not news. It has been well understood in the computer security
field for, well, about three decades. It is the fundamental threat
underlying the security mechanism called Mandatory Access Control. And,
I imagine, it's something that makes computer security and virus
researchers lose sleep some nights. Indeed, because of this threat,
there are those who say they never run any software they haven't
personally studied and compiled themselves (though I've often wondered
what they do about compilers... and microcode).
The language used to describe the threat ("the flaw ... is fatal"),
however, is a bit on the hyperbolic side. First of all, the threat is
not unique to Internet commerce: it applies to information processing in
general. The threat is equally applicable against numbers that one
might enter as account identifiers in a personal finance program, or
even against credit-card numbers in a letter written with a word
processor (perhaps to inquire about incorrect charges). Such uses are
just as vulnerable--one need never even attempt an electronic purchase
to "lose" a credit-card number this way. The advice from FV does state
"never type your credit-card number into a computer", but it focuses
solely on commerce mechanisms, which is a bit misleading.
Secondly, there ARE effective counter-measures, of both a defensive and
an offensive nature, other than giving up on credit-card numbers for
electronic commerce. FV characterizes the only two possible solutions
as "secure hardware add-ons and the First Virtual approach", because in
the latter, a user is not required to type credit-card number into a PC.
These approaches impose certain costs, risks, and benefits that must be
weighed sensibly against corresponding attributes of other approaches.
Even if they were the only possible "solutions", they might not be
sufficiently cost-effective to be worth using.
Finally, it's important to identify the stakeholders clearly and not to
overstate the RISK. Just as one runs certain risks in handing a credit
card to a minimum-wage employee, personal computers pose some risks--but
who benefits and who bears the costs are critical to a system analysis.
The first claim (ease of keyboard sniffing) is certainly true; the
demonstration program shows that nicely.
The second claim (ease of recognition) is more dubious. Certainly,
credit-card numbers typed in directly from a keyboard are recognizable,
but is that the only practical way to enter them? Of course not. There
are several obvious technical counter-measures for this aspect of the
threat. For example, one could enter part of the number, back up with
cursor keys, and enter the rest of the number. Software could request
the number following a simple code (e.g., 0=W, 1=S, 2=Z, generated
randomly for each request; a similar approach is used for verifying
licensees of much PC game software). Software could display a
calculator key-pad for entering the number with mouse clicks. And so
on--a little ingenuity goes a long way.
Although these methods may seem a bit clumsy, they need only be used
once per credit-card number. That one-time inconvenience would not be
an unreasonable burden for users--and data entry errors (which clearly
are a risk of such special-purpose interfaces) would be minimal due to
precisely the same properties that make credit-card numbers easily
recognizable in the first place. Such counter-measures undermine the
"fatal flaw" claim, for none of them require an account-based system
like FV's; neither do they involve secure hardware.
Of course, malicious software could also be created to defeat any of
these approaches, just as it could be created to perform the "extremely
difficult" task of defrauding FV's multi-step transaction approach.
However, any of these counter-measures removes the most important
property of the attack: the ability to recognize credit-card numbers
without context. Instead, a significantly more complex directed
attack--or, rather, one for each possible application program--is needed
to extract the numbers from a deliberately safeguarded user interface.
There is a related threat that relies on the recognizability attribute:
finding credit-card numbers stored, say, as ASCII text in memory, on
disk, or in network traffic is no more conceptually difficult than
recognizing keystrokes. The same sort of context-free recognition is
straightforward. However, even a light encryption of such data (e.g.,
XOR) will foil the simple context-free attack, and require that a
recognition program understand the semantics of the data it's looking
for. The analysis here applies to such scenarios as well.
The third claim (easy and traceless infiltration) is dubious as well.
Truly effective malicious software is DIFFICULT: witness the extremely
primitive payloads of most extant PC viruses. Although recognizing the
keystrokes may be easy and reliable, neither the process of installation
into arbitrary consumer PCs nor the mechanism for returning the
information is likely to be. Most people who have ever installed
software on a PC, or who have ever used a PC-based communication
mechanism, will recognize that these activities have considerable
potential to generate errors and anomalous events. Traceless
infiltration, however, requires that no such events occur.
Although the great thing about malicious software (from the bad guy's
point of view) is that it only needs to be written once and after that,
any fool can run it, it still has to be written and to work properly.
Capturing credit-card numbers when they are typed as consecutive digits
presents an especially easily recognized pattern, so that part of the
program's job is simple, but that doesn't affect the compatibility and
reliability aspects. Widespread distribution of a credit-card capture
program would likely result in compatibility problems throughout its
user community--nothing serious, but quite possibly enough to to
discover it in the same manner that other viruses are discovered. It's
not at all clear that such a program could become widespread without
being quickly discovered--which argues against "tracelessly".
This hypothetical (as opposed to FV's laboratory demonstration of
partial version of such a program) invisible credit-card capture and
delivery program is very similar to a traditional virus payload, except
that it need not be self-propagating and its function is more complex
(thus, more likely to be detected). It's probably distributed on-line
for maximum efficiency, but that could be done with ordinary viruses
also. Viruses are bad, and one could even claim that their existence is
a "fatal flaw" in personal computers... but we go on computing anyway.
The fourth claim (easy and traceless reporting) also is dubious, for
similar reasons. Although there are many potential schemes for sending
information back to the perpetrator, these back-channels are likely to
be noticeable, due perhaps to volume, perhaps to the appearance of
unexpected traffic, or perhaps to errors that occur when a particular
back-channel is attempted that doesn't work as expected in some user
environment. For example, one proposed scheme involves making postings
to "test" newsgroups and encrypting the information in the article's
message ID. Technically feasible, yes, but what happens when a user
gets an error message about how the PC "Error 07C: Cannot post to
misc.test"? If this starts happening on a wide scale, the malicious
software (though probably not its author) will soon be discovered.
Finally, it's important to recognize what it might mean for a
counter-measure to be called successful. If "successful" means
apprehending the criminal perpetrator who created the malicious
software, well, that's certainly hard. However, if "successful" means
protecting individual consumer credit-card accounts and minimizing the
cost to the global financial system, that's much easier. An attack
might be detected by noticing anomalies; prevented (offensively)
through something like virus-removal technology; or prevented
(defensively) through guarded data entry schemes. Although none of
these mean that the perpetrator can be found, they do mean that the
attack is foiled--and that financial loss is minimized.
These attacks are certainly technically possible, and worth taking some
general counter-measures against. It seems unlikely, however, that they
would bankrupt either consumers or financial institutions, or that they
would become widespread before specific counter-measures (along the
lines of anti-virus scanners) were available.
One general problem is worth noting: if such an attack IS perpetrated,
tracing perpetrators is damned difficult. However, the propensity of
criminals to talk about their activities, to keep diaries, and to get
caught doing other criminal (and often stupid) things at least offers
some possibilities. I'm actually more worried about lone attackers than
about a large-scale organized assault by criminal organizations.
Hostile intelligence services (or militaries) are also, to my mind, a
bigger threat. For individuals, the economic incentive for credit-card
number theft is, to be sure, greater than for simple virus distribution,
but profiting from stolen card numbers is fairly risky and difficult on
a large scale--one really needs a retail outlet for the information.
Knowing all this, it would clearly be prudent (A) to design and use
safeguarded user interfaces and (B) to bring this threat into the scope
of things that concern developers of virus counter-measures. But
abandon encrypted credit-card numbers as any part of an Internet
commerce scheme? That seems like an over-reaction.
The RISK here is one of assuming that a specific technical vulnerability
translates directly into a system-wide problem of equal severity, and
recourse is inherently impossible. Over-stating the threat can be just
as dangerous as ignoring it.
Olin Sibert Oxford Systems, Inc.
Date: Mon, 5 Feb 1996 13:00 -0500
From: Bob_Frankston@frankston.com
Subject: Over the air: More cellular-phone risks
I was checking my cellular phone account balance using a cellular phone. They
offered a payment option which I took. Luckily I miskeyed it because as I
sent it I realized that not only had my tones gone out in the clear but they
also read it back in case the eavesdroppers weren't sophisticated enough to
decode the tones.
Date: Tue, 06 Feb 1996 17:12:23 +1000
From: Mark Neely <accessnt@ozemail.com.au>
Subject: Subway Difficulties
This appeared in the latest Educom...
The Denver-Rocky Mountain News reports that management at the new $5-billion
Denver airport forgot to install an intercom system for the subways that
trundle passengers from concourse to concourse, so when the computer
controlling the subways broke down, there was no way to communicate with the
trapped passengers. The city has now rectified the situation by purchasing
six electronic bullhorns. (Telecommunications Policy Report 28 Jan 96 p10)
Mark Neely - accessnt@ozemail.com.au / mneely@c031.aone.net.au
Lawyer, Professional Cynic, Author: Australian Beginner's Guide to the Internet
[Also noted by WYNN@AppleLink.Apple.COM (Wynn, Eleanor,VCA).
Now we need to populate the subways with electronic bulls. PGN]
Date: 07 Feb 96 11:18:19 EST
From: Pete <74722.2457@compuserve.com>
Subject: Re: Unintended Missile Launches (Shafer, RISKS-17.67; Martin, 17.68)
The Forrestal missile launching was an unintended launch, but IMHO, it was more
of a training error than a hardware failure.
At the time of the incident, I was the aircraft maintenance officer on the USS
INDEPENDENCE (CVA-62), the sister ship of the FORRESTAL. The FORRESTAL had
just arrived in the waters off Viet Nam when the "incident" (which killed in
excess of 100 men--I don't remember exactly how many) occurred. The FORRESTAL
had just come from an eight-month overhaul period, and her crew was
inexperienced. Navy ships are required to undergo proficiency inspections,
called INSERVs, after long periods of inactivity. The INDEPENDENCE had given
FORRESTAL her INSERV, and she had flunked. This was NOT a reflection on the
crew, but rather on the fact that they needed more training. The admiral in
charge of the INSERV inspection, however, overrode the recommendation of his
staff and certified the FORRESTAL as ready for action. The reason given was
that the Navy desperately needed the FORRESTAL on station in the Gulf.
A flight deck during flight ops is one of the most hazardous places imaginable.
Besides planes taking off or landing, planes and ammunition are being moved
around, refueling and defueling is occurring, maintenance vehicles and
equipment ("yellow gear") is moving, testing, and/or starting aircraft, and
other operations are going on. This is all in a space only one-tenth the size
of a land-based airfield. Flight deck personnel need eyes in the back of their
head and a sixth sense of where everything is, and must know their jobs
instinctively. The FORRESTAL crew was so green that during the inspection, the
INDEPENDENCE's flight deck officer left the flight deck and refused to return,
considering it too dangerous.
I don't recall the details of the actual incident, save that it involved a
plane that had been improperly loaded and armed released a missile at an F-4
that was ready for takeoff on catapult #1 (on the port side forward). Since
fuel and ammunition had been improperly placed on the deck, this quickly
touched off explosions and fires that ran the length of the deck. I do clearly
recall that the reason for the accidental launch was not due to equipment
failure: it was caused by aircrew error in both attaching and arming the
missiles. (Consider the problem of designing a system that must NOT work until
it's ready, and then must not FAIL to work.)
The risk, in other words, was improper training in a complex and hazardous
environment. I would hope that the Navy (and other organizations) would take a
lesson from this.
Pete McVay, pmcvay@usa1.com
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 1996 16:17:44 -0500
From: "Dale M. Johnson" <dmj@linus.mitre.org>
Subject: IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
May 6-8, 1996 _/_/ _/_/_/
The Claremont Resort, _/ _/
Oakland, California _/ _/
Sponsored by the _/_/_/
IEEE Technical Committee on Security and Privacy _/ _/
In cooperation with the _/ _/
International Association of Cryptologic Research _/_/_/
Symposium Committee _/
Dale M. Johnson, General Chair _/_/_/ _/_/
Stephen Kent, Vice Chair _/ _/ _/
John McHugh, Program Co-Chair _/ _/ _/
George W. Dinolt, Program Co-Chair _/_/_/ _/_/_/
_/ _/ _/
Subject to Change _/ _/_/
08:30-09:00 WELCOMING REMARKS: Dale Johnson and John McHugh
09:00-10:30 PANEL: Object Management Group CORBA Security Standard
Moderator: Terry Benzel
Participants: TBA
10:30-11:00 BREAK
An Analysis of the Timed Z-Channel
Ira S. Moskowitz, Steven J. Greenwald, Myong H. Kang
Defining Noninterference in the Temporal Logic of Actions
Todd Fine
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 PANEL: Goals for Computer Security Education
Cynthia Irvine, Chair
Leslie Chalmers
Karl Levitt
Steven F. Barnett
Jim Schindler
Roger R. Schell
15:00-15:30 BREAK
Submissions in the form of one-page ASCII abstracts
due by e-mail to mchugh@cs.pdx.edu no later
than 2 April 1996. See http://www.cs.pdx.edu/SP96/
for more information.
Abstracts to be distributed at the conference.
18:00-19:30 RECEPTION
Security for Medical Information Systems
Ross Anderson
Discussants TBA
10:30-11:00 BREAK
11:00-12:00 PROTOCOLS
Entity Authentication
Dieter Gollmann
A Fair Non-repudiation Protocol
Jianying Zhou, Dieter Gollmann
Limitations on Design Principles for Public Key Protocols
Paul Syverson
12:00-13:30 LUNCH
13:30-15:00 DATABASES
Ensuring Atomicity of Multilevel Transactions
Paul Ammann, Sushil Jajodia, Indrakshi Ray
View-Based Access Control with High Assurance
Xiaolei Qian
Supporting Multiple Access Control Policies in Database Systems
Elisa Bertino, Sushil Jajodia, Pierangela Samarati
15:00-15:30 BREAK
An Immunological Approach to Change Detection: Algorithms,
Analysis, and Implications
Patrik D'Haeseleer, Stephanie Forrest, Paul Helman
A Sense of Self for UNIX Processes
Stephanie Forrest, Steven A. Hofmeyr, Anil Somayaji,
Thomas A. Longstaff
Cryptovirology: Extortion Based Security Threats and Countermeasures
Adam Young, Moti Yung
09:00-10:30 MODELING
A Security Model of Dynamic Labeling Providing a Tiered Approach to
Simon Foley, Li Gong, Xiaolei Qian
A Communication Agreement Framework of Access Control
Martin Roscheisen, Terry Winograd
Decentralized Trust Management
Matt Blaze, Joan Feigenbaum, Jack Lacy
Security Properties and CSP
Steve Schneider
10:30 11:00 BREAK
11:00 12:30 NETWORKS
Security Flaws in the HotJava Web Browser
Drew Dean, Dan S. Wallach
On Two Proposals for On-line Credit-card Payments using Open
Networks: Problems and Solutions
Wenbo Man
Secure Network Objects
Leendert van Doorn, Martin Abadi, Mike Burrows, Edward Wobber
Run-Time Security Evaluation (RTSE) for Distributed Applications
Cristina Serban, B. McMillin
[But PLEASE send Dale an E-mail message requesting the full
registration packet, which can be e-mailed to you. PGN]
Date: 11 January 1996 (LAST-MODIFIED)
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End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 17.69