[1020] in RISKS Forum
RISKS DIGEST 15.82 (00)
Fri Apr 29 19:51:39 1994
From: RISKS Forum <risks@csl.sri.com>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 94 16:45:59 PDT
Reply-To: risks@csl.sri.com
To: RISKS-LIST:;@csl.sri.com
RISKS-LIST: RISKS-FORUM Digest Friday 29 April 1994 Volume 15 : Issue 82 (00)
ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy, Peter G. Neumann, moderator
SUMMARY OF RISKS VOLUME 15 (2 Sep 1993 to 29 Apr 1994) [LONG]
(archived in file RISKS-15.00 and RISKS-15.82)
The RISKS Forum is a moderated digest. Its USENET equivalent is comp.risks.
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RISKS 15.01 2 September 1993
Is there a roboticist in the house? (Ken Birman)
Computer Problems Slow Airline Flights Southern U-S (David Fowler)
AFSS Computer Crash Knocks Out Service for 12 Hours (July 93) (Dave Barrett)
Risks du jour: malpractice; chemical industry vulnerabilities (Phil Agre)
Newspaper tide tables (Marc Auslander)
Software design [C.A.R. Hoare] (Paul Smee)
Re: Cisco backdoor? (Paul Traina, Al Whaley)
Easy Access to Video Rental Records (David Jones)
Answers to phone-related questions (Lauren Weinstein)
Risks of Discussing RISKS (Dennis D. Steinauer)
Re: Mars Observer tank testing (Kevin Maguire)
Conference on Technology Conversion (Gary Chapman)
RISKS 15.02 3 September 1993
BETTER airline/travel-agent computer hide-and-seek (Mark Seecof)
Lost Canadian crime statistics data (Luis Fernandes)
Risk of incorrect Daylight Saving conversion (Arthur David Olson)
The Risk of Discussing "the risks of discussing risks" in RISKS
(Jeffrey S. Sorensen)
The risks of CERT teams vs we all know (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Potential risk in terminal buffer storage (Robert S. Richardson)
Electronic documents (Mich Kabay)
Re: Dorothy Denning and the cost of attack against SKIPJACK (Bill Murray)
Re: Mars Observer tank testing (Donald Arseneau)
Re: Dial 1 first (Mark Brader)
RISKS 15.03 9 September 1993
Robot Disarms Man (David Fowler)
The risks of Naive Users (Amos Shapir)
The first programming errors (Jon Jacky)
Offshore Data Havens (John R. Bruni)
Re: The risks of CERT teams vs we all know (Jeff Schiller, Frederick Roeber)
Re: Lost Crime Stats (Rodney Boyd)
Into the void at the supermarket (Andrew Klossner)
Re: What Constitutes an Exhaustive Attack? (A. Padgett Peterson)
Fixing what's known to be broken (Tom Lane)
Caller ID Blocking and 911 (Monty Solomon)
Bank mailing problem (Lauren Weinstein)
Technology export curbs (Mich Kabay)
Re: Security holes and risks of software like Sendmail (Marcus J Ranum)
CfP: 1994 Z User Meeting Announcement (Jonathan Bowen)
Call for Papers, Decision Science Conference (ACSLHL)
RISKS 15.04 10 September 1993
EuroDigital (Brian Randell)
Brussels Branch Of BNP Hit By Computer Fraud (jxm)
Screen savers hide what's running below them (Alan Munn)
Where should we look for risks? (Steve Talbott)
Re: Security holes and risks of software ... (Geoffrey H. Cooper, John Carr)
Re: "Offshore Data Havens" (Fred Baube, Gary Preckshot)
Re: The risks of Naive Users (Mark Brader)
Re: More Gripen Griping (Mark Stalzer)
RISKS 15.05 30 September 1993
An oxymoron? (Jim Horning)
Unfriendly fire (Tim Steele via Jim Thompson)
RISKS BY FAX (Lauren Weinstein)
Risks of Flying Toasters? (Jim Griffith)
Ilyushin Il-114 crash (Urban Fredriksson)
Cancer Treatment Blunder (Brian Randell)
RFI from phones (was "EuroDigital") (Mich Kabay)
Fungible microprocessors (Mich Kabay)
Re: Security holes and risks of software ... (A. Padgett Peterson,
Josh Osborne, John Hascall)
DCCA-4 Advance Program (Teresa Lunt) [long]
RISKS 16.06 5 October 1993
RISKs of trusting e-mail (Theodore M.P. Lee)
Stocks and Wands (Paul Dorey)
Dead for 3 years, but computer kept paying bills (Alan Frisbie)
Newton Tale of Woe (Steven Sargent via Paul M. Wexelblat)
RISKS of unverified driving records (Mich Kabay)
Redundant data (Mich Kabay)
Conditioning and human interfaces (Robert Dorsett)
Portable phones and fire detectors (Trevor Kirby)
Re: Cancer Treatment Blunder (Paul Smee)
Re: Security holes and risks of software ... (Bob Bosen)
Bank of America fires employee after reading his e-mail? (David Jones)
E-mail for denial of services and corruption (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Software Quality vs Staff Size (Mike Willey)
RISKS 15.07 6 October 1993
ISDN telephone glitch in Hamburg (Klaus Brunnstein)
Japan: IT Security, JCSEC criteria (Klaus Brunnstein)
Re: The FBI investigating college pranks (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Re: Conditioning and human interfaces (Robert Dorsett)
Re: Answers to the mail problem (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Trusted portions (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Think of it as an opportunity, not a problem (A. Padgett Peterson)
Re: Risks of Unverified Driving Records (Robert J Woodhead, Jim Cook,
Rex Black)
CFP "Ethics" Workshop Cuba Feb.1994 (Klaus Brunnstein)
RISKS 15.08 7 October 1993
Control faults cause train crash (Hank Cohen)
WSJ report on potential problems with 757/767 Autopilots (PGN)
Typing error causes stock to fall 20% for `a few moments' (Lorenzo Strigini)
Epitope suit uses computer bulletin board (Tom Hanrahan)
Libraries (Phil Agre)
The Panoptic Sort (Phil Agre)
"Change" and October 1993 CACM (Jim Huggins)
Mailing list fun (Mark Brader)
Virus distributed during college computer sale (Jim Huggins)
Re: Bank of America fires employee ... (Robert Ellis Smith)
Re: RISKs of trusting e-mail (Bob Frankston)
Re: The FBI investigating college pranks (Valdis Kletnieks)
Separating parts in privileged applications (Yves Royer)
A reference on Ethics (Peter B Ladkin)
Re: Cancer Treatment Blunder (David Crooke, Jerry Bakin, PGN)
RISKS 15.09 8 October 1993
Risks of disrupting air traffic control ("Mile High Club")
(Richard Marshall via Tom Blinn)
Sound of the Fury, Part II (Peter Wayner)
Risks of "security" on Apple Newton (Doug Siebert)
Re: Control faults cause train crash (Dik T. Winter, Marc Horowitz)
Re: Conditioning and human interfaces (Nick Rothwell)
Re: Separating parts in privileged applications (Paul Karger, Steen Hansen,
A. Padgett Peterson)
Re: "Change" and October 1993 CACM (Selden E. Ball, Jr., James K. Huggins)
Re: Libraries and Imagined Communities (Mark Gonzales)
Re: Cancer Treatment Blunder (Bob Frankston, Rogier Wolff, Jon Jacky)
Re: RISKS of unverified driving records (Jim Horning, Jim Hudson)
RISKS 15.10 8 October 1993
Wiretap Laws and Procedures (Dorothy Denning) [long]
RISKS 15.11 11 October 1993
Yet another spacecraft vanishes (Landsat 6)
Auto-response missile system (Brian Kenney, Andrew W. Hagen)
ITAR issues in PGP & Moby Crypto subpoenas (L. Detweiler)
Wiretap Laws and Procedures (Mark Day, David HM Spector)
Risks of using phone bill payment systems (Peter A. Grant)
Draft Swiss AntiVirus regulation (Klaus Brunnstein)
Risks of "security" on Apple Newton (Berry Kercheval)
Re: Disrupting Air Traffic Control (Peter B Ladkin, Peter Wayner)
Give us all your passwords (Steve VanDevender)
Politics is private property in the panopticon society (Jeffrey S. Sorensen)
Re: Control Faults cause train crash (Clive Feather)
Re: RISKS of unverified driving records (Geoff Kuenning)
Libel and Liability for incorrect databases (Terry Gerritsen via
Sarah Elkins)
RISKS 15.12 14 October 1993
Networking on the Network (Phil Agre) [long]
RISKS 15.13 14 October 1993
Software safety on UK national news (Jonathan Bowen)
Warning labels on medication (Bob Campbell)
Corrigenda: RISKs of trusting e-mail (Theodore M.P. Lee)
Risk of brain-dead mailers... (Graham Toal)
Draft Italian Antivirus Law (Luca Parisi)
Collins autopilots have a mind of their own (Peter B Ladkin)
Lufthansa in Warsaw (Peter B Ladkin)
Lest you think that all is rotten in the state of aviation this week (PBL)
Dr. Strangelove (was Re: auto-response missile system) (Barry Brumitt)
Re: ITAR issues in PGP & Moby Crypto subpoenas (Dorothy Denning)
Privacy (Phil Agre)
Mathematics of Markets (Mark Brader)
Book on Risk Perception (Anthony E. Siegman)
Re: CFP "Ethics" Workshop Cuba Feb.1994 (a.e.mossberg)
Re: Cancer Treatment Blunder (Sean Matthews, Bear Giles)
New Journal: High Integrity Systems (Russ Abbott)
RISKS 15.14 18 October 1993
Cable company shows unorthodox children's TV (John Gray)
Risks of Virtual Reality (John Mainwaring)
Re: Wiretap Laws and Procedures (Bob Leigh, Robert Firth)
Hubble mirror errata (Henry Spencer)
Re: Privacy Risk for Toronto Dominion Bank customers (Dave Parnas)
Digital Signatures as ID Numbers (Karl J. Smith)
File on Four (Pete Mellor)
Australian government to replace DES (Kevin Burfitt)
The FAA and HERF (Winn Schwartau) [longish but interesting]
RISKS 15.15 19 October 1993
Confirmed reservation ... for non-existent flight (Mathai Joseph)
Physical Security of ATM Password (Jeff Schultz)
Re: RISKs of trusting e-mail (Lars-Henrik Eriksson, Frederick M Avolio)
Re: Porn, Wiretapping, DES, HERF (Phil Karn)
Re: The FAA and HERF (Ted Wong, Jack Boatman)
Re: Digital Signatures (Robert J Woodhead)
Re: Risks of Virtual Reality (Robert Carolina)
Re: Wiretap Laws and Procedures (Steve Bellovin)
Re: Australian government to replace DES (Steve Bellovin)
Re: Software safety on UK national news (Pete Mellor)
Re: Libraries and Imagined Communities (Bruce Hamilton)
Re: Separating parts in privileged applications (Bob Frankston, Tom Thomson)
RISKS 15.16 19 October 1993
Social Psychology & INFOSEC (Mich Kabay)
RISKS 15.17 21 October 1993
A chip, off the old block (PGN)
Fiber Optic Cable "Meltdown" in Connecticut (E.M. Culver)
NII confidential report "on sale" (Martyn Thomas)
US Has It Too (Re: Russian Doomsday Device) (Li Gong)
Media Explosion => Loss of Community ? (Fred Baube)
Re: Auto rentals, law suits, and the risks (Jerry Leichter)
Dangers of anonymous remailers [Anonymous]
Privacy Digests (PGN)
SunOS and Solaris vulnerabilities (PGN, CERT Advisory)
RISKS 15.18 27 October 1993
Saab Story: Cars rolling off the assembly line (Vernon L. Chi)
Yet another date overflow bug (David Lamb)
OZDISK - Big Brother Down Under? (Mike Bell)
Russian Hacker Activity (David Fowler)
Thank you (Lauren Wiener)
Re: CERT and "security incident" handling (Doug Moran, A. Padgett Peterson,
Scott Schwartz, Bruce R. Lewis, Nick Rothwell)
Re: The FAA discovers HERF (Dennis Chamberlin)
RISKS 15.19 27 October 1993
Optic fibre fragment kills Telecom worker (Robin Kenny)
Lanocaine (sp?) (Bob Frankston)
Ethernet addresses as "port" ids (Bob Rahe)
File on Four on safety-critical software (Pete Mellor)
Cracking feature in the small press (Jim Haynes)
Re: FAA and HERF - a pun-ctilio (Peter B Ladkin)
Re: Clipper (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Re: Chip thefts (Mich Kabay)
Re: Dangers of Anonymous Mailers (Steven S. Davis)
Re: Swiss AntiViral legislation (Claudio G. Frigerio via Klaus Brunnstein)
Computer-Aided Verification (CAV'94) (David Dill)
RISKS 15.20 1 November 1993
Breakdown in computerised voter support, Oslo (Reidar Conradi)
Norwegian hackers fined (\ystein Gulbrandsen)
White House distributes STONED 3 virus (Andrew Klossner)
Police feedback (Graeme Jones)
Taurus Project (E. Kelly)
Magnetic Fields in Subway Cars (Bob Drzyzgula)
Report on Software Product Liability (Charles Youman)
Re: Dangers of Fibre Optic cable (John Gray)
Re: CERT Reports and system breakins (Mike Raffety)
Re: CERT (was "security incident handling") (A. Padgett Peterson)
Re: Ethernet addresses as "port" ids (A. Padgett Peterson)
3rd SEI Conference on Software Risk, 5-7 April 1994, Pittsburgh (Ellen Ayoob)
Workshop on IT Assurance and Trustworthiness (Marshall D. Abrams)
ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (Danny Nessett)
RISKS 15.21 2 November 1993
Investment program turns into doomsday machine (Meine van der Meulen)
Direct E-Mail: J.S. McBride & Co. (anonymous)
"RSI does not exist" (Gavin Matthews)
Public relations (Phil Agre)
Procrustus (Bob Frankston)
Re: Magnetic Fields in Subway Cars (Peter Debenham, Andrew Marchant-Shapiro)
Re: Fiber Optic Cable Hazards (Bonnie J Johnson)
Re: Breakdown in computerised voter support, Oslo (H?vard Hegna)
Re: Ethernet addresses as port ids (Bob Rahe)
ESORICS 94: Call for Papers (Yves Deswarte)
RISKS 15.22 8 November 1993
Direct Subscribers: Can you instead read RISKS as a newsgroup? (RISKS)
Prague computer crime (Mich Kabay)
Phiber Optik, Master of Disaster, sentenced (Mich Kabay)
Mass. state police confuse car owners with gun carriers (Brian Hawthorne)
Overenthusiastic automated investment programs (John R Levine)
RISKS of unaccountable computerized elections (Dave Hart)
Re: Safety-critical software (David Parnas)
Re: InterNet Mailing List (JS McBride [2])
Security of the internet (Bill Murray, PGN)
Yu, "Automated Proofs of Object Code..." available (Jim Horning)
"Research Directions in Database Security" ed. by Teresa Lunt (Rob Slade)
Re: CERT Reports and system breakins (Phil Karn, A. Padgett Peterson)
Call for Participation, FIRST Incident Response Tools Working Group
(Michael S. Hines)
RISKS 15.23 6 November 1993
Another plane lands on the taxiway (Lord Wodehouse)
Pax Technologica? Not in Somalia (Peter Wayner)
Teachers Beware! (Peter G Spera)
Clerk stole from ATMs he was told to top up ... (Apte Kishor Hanamant)
Notice of Fire Hazard with Dell Notebook Computers (Bob Robillard)
"Eye of the Storm" (*another* Desert Storm virus?) (Rob Slade)
Re: White House and STONED 3 virus (Andrew Klossner, Jon Grantham)
Re: Ethernet addresses as "port" ids (Brian Bulkowski)
Re: CERT Reports and system breakins (Allan Duncan)
Re: Fiber Optic Cable Hazards (Gordon Mitchell)
Re: "RSI does not exist" (Pete Mellor)
Re: Magnetic Fields in Subway Cars (Bob Frankston, Kenneth R Foster,
Ian Turton, Peter Gorny, Bruce Limber, Russ Cage, Graeme Thomas)
RISKS 15.24 9 November 1993
Smart Houses? No Thanks! (Jim Brown)
Ada, a standard no more? (Luis Fernandes)
Pets & data communication (Bruce Clement)
Orange County DACS outage (Matt Holdrege)
Review of Bruce Sterling's Hacker Crackdown (Peter B Ladkin)
Alvin and Heidi Toffler's War and Anti-War (Jeffrey D. Young)
Re: Car owners confused with gun owners (Martin Minow)
Software control problems in Block 40 F-16s (Peter B Ladkin)
Investment program turns into doomsday machine (Rogier Wolff)
Re: Notice of Fire Hazard with Dell Notebook Computers (Don Porges)
Internet Security (William Hugh Murray)
Stupid language games (Richard Schroeppel)
Networking on the Network (Richard Schroeppel)
Anonymous postings (anonymous? No, Daniel Lieber)
Properties of Anonymizing Service (Anthony E. Siegman)
Risk-happy drivers foil anti-lock brakes (Dyane Bruce)
RISKS 15.25 10 November 1993
RISKS of camping... (E.M. Culver)
No change in Ada policy (Robert I. Eachus)
Groundhog Day, D-Day, Remembrance Day, and all that (Mark Brader)
Not so easy to be anonymous (Robert L Ullmann)
Snakes of Medusa and Cyberspace: Internet identity subversion (L. Detweiler)
RISKS 15.26 13 November 1993
Gripen crash report (Urban Fredriksson)
SAS MD-81 crash report, December 1991 (Martyn Thomas)
MASS state police confuse car owners with gun carriers (NOT)
(Simson Garfinkel)
Re: No change in Ada policy (Anonymous, Parnas)
Risk-happy drivers foil anti-lock brakes (Mark Brader)
_Naissance d'un virus_ soon to be published (Jean-Bernard Condat)
Re: pseudospoofing (Andrew Marchant-Shapiro)
I'm Me (Nick Szabo)
Re: anonymizing service (Karl Lui Barrus)
Re: Not so easy to be anonymous (Seth Chazanoff)
Re: Stupid language games (Dave Parnas)
Re: Networking (Phil Agre)
"Friendly Fire" in system design (Steve Taylor)
Re: Teachers Beware! (Andy Cunningham)
FBI Operation "Root Canal" Documents Revealed (Dave Banisar)
RISKS 15.27 17 November 1993
Re: The Snakes of Medusa and Cyberspace (mathew, Alex Glockner,
Perry E. Metzger, Jamie Dinkelacker, Arthur Abraham, Peter Leppik,
Brad Hicks, Neil McKellar, Leonard Mignerey, L. Detweiler)
RISKS 15.28 17 November 1993
Power problems stops Milano Stock Exchange for 4 hours (Lorenzo Strigini)
Lawyer discovers the RISK of computer efficiency (Martin Minow)
Living Will Database (Brian Hawthorne)
Review of "Second Contact" by Resnick (Rob Slade)
UK government to scrap safety laws (Jonathan Bowen)
Tablespoons, or, handwriting recognition may be hazardous to your poem
(Mark Brader)
Visa introduces transaction UIDs (Bob Frankston)
Re: CERT Reports and system breakins (Steve Bellovin)
Re: MASS state police confusion (Eric N. Florack)
Re: Ada Usage (Harry Erwin, James H. Haynes)
Re: Groundhog Day, D-Day, Remembrance Day, and all that (mathew)
A Myth is as good as a Smile (PGN)
Call-for-Papers for 17th Nat`l Computer Security Conference (Louise Reiner)
RISKS 15.29 23 November 1993
Logic Bomb planted in retribution for nonpayment (Mich Kabay)
Brazilian computer snarls in corruption probe (Mich Kabay)
Digitized Photos (Mich Kabay)
Magnetic Fields & Leukaemia (Mich Kabay)
Who owns the unused cycles? (Bear Giles)
Not-voting-by-phone Boulder over (Bear Giles)
Tablespoons, or another risk? (Steve VanDevender)
Charge cards from mail order houses (Ted Wobber)
United Parcel Service signatures (Jim Carroll)
Re: Massachusetts state police confusion (Brian Hawthorne)
Re: Ada Usage (Douglas W. Jones, Robert I. Eachus)
Re: UK government to scrap safety laws (Keith Lockstone)
RISKS 15.30 1 December 1993
Risks of automated betting (Russ Corfman)
Computer Changeover May Cost $16M (Lin Zucconi)
Mercury passwords can be compromised (Keith Lockstone)
Computerized Pornography (Brian Randell)
Picking from Trash (Re: Charge cards from mail-order houses) (Li Gong)
GRE goes "adaptive" (Cris Pedregal Martin)
More news on the Lufthansa A320 accident in Warsaw (Peter B Ladkin)
Memory error corrupts file (James Michael Chacon)
New Moderator for the Computer Privacy Digest (Dennis G. Rears)
Re: Safety-critical software (Pete Mellor)
Re: Ada Usage (Tucker Taft, Mathew Lodge)
RISKS 15.31 3 December 1993
London Underground train departs driverless with 150 passengers
(Martyn Thomas)
Voting by Fax (Bear Giles)
Computer Fax Problems (Andrew Blyth)
A study of National Cryptography Policy (Marjory Blumenthal)
"Using McAfee Associates Software for Safe Computing" by Jacobson (Rob Slade)
New Docs Reveal NSA Role in Digital Telephony Proposal (Dave Banisar)
Re: Computerized Pornography (Charlie Stross)
Re: Lufthansa Airbus Warsaw Crash 14 Sep 93 (Udo Voges)
Re: Mercury passwords can be compromised (Peter Debenham)
Re: United Parcel Service signatures (Andrew Marc Greene)
CFP: 13th Symp. on Reliable Distributed Systems (Rick Schlichting)
RISKS 15.32 7 December 1993
FAX sends instead of receives (John McKay)
Risks of conference calls "lack of announcement"
Apple Computer Distributes a CD-ROM with a "Trojan Horse" (Saul Tannenbaum)
French Wiretaps (Mich Kabay)
Tokyo bank fraud (Mich Kabay)
German Radicals use Computers (Mich Kabay)
NJ credit thefts (Mich Kabay)
Counterfeits (Mich Kabay)
AIDS data stolen in Florida (Mich Kabay)
Unauthorized changes of address (George Zmijewski)
Massive credit card fraud (Mich Kabay)
Lufthansa Warsaw crash - A Clarification (Peter B Ladkin)
Reminder for DCCA-4: Fourth IFIP Working Conference (Flaviu Cristian)
RISKS 15.33 7 December 1993
Review: "Digital Woes" by Lauren Ruth Wiener (Pete Mellor)
Review: "Terminal Compromise" by Winn Schwartau (Rob Slade)
RISKS 15.34 13 December 1993
Computer glitch postpones 'Tommy' (David Tarabar)
Electronic Money (Brian Randell)
Financial Newswire Fraud (Thomas J Scoville)
Canadian study on computer fraud (Mich Kabay)
Risks of being a programmer (Jon Jacky)
The risk of distributed servers with only partial uninterruptible power
(Bob Cunningham)
Risks of inband communication triggering call forwarding (Simson L. Garfinkel)
Mail forwarding as easy as Call forwarding (Kiser)
Re: Massive credit card fraud (Pete Mellor)
Apple has poked around on your hard disk before (Grady Ward)
Re: Corrupted Polling (Brian Randell)
Re: Digital Woes (Harry Erwin)
COMPASS '94 Call for Papers and Call for Tutorials (John Marciniak)
RISKS 15.35 22 December 1993
Airport lessons for InfoSec (Mich Kabay)
Sham CD-ROMs (Mich Kabay)
Smart Cars and Highways (Mich Kabay)
Risky Demo Offer (Rex Wheeler)
"Re-Chipping" Stolen Mobile Phones (Brian Randell)
Interactive TV: electronic democracy, risks to privacy, etc. (John Gray)
Trouble with funny place names (Mark Brader)
Mexico Turns Off Quake Warning System (Frank Carey)
Wireless Laptop Eavesdropping (Andrew Duane)
Re: Harry Erwin on Digital Woes (Lauren Wiener)
Question About Singapore Lottery Crime (Sanford Sherizen)
ISOC Symposium on Network and Distributed System Security (Dan Nessett)
RISKS 15.36 2 January 1994
Risks of high pitched tones (Lance J. Hoffman)
Can SETI signals bear viruses? (Brandon A Cantillo)
Report on Strasbourg A320 Crash emphasises HCI (Peter B Ladkin)
Be careful not to let your engine control computers overheat (Peter B Ladkin)
LapLink Wireless (Mark Eppley via Bob Frankston)
Re: Airport lessons for InfoSec (Robert Dorsett)
Re: "Re-Chipping" Stolen Mobile Phones (Andrew Beattie, Li Gong)
An Exception (Harry Erwin)
RISKS 15.37 3 January 1994
Hacker nurse makes unauthorised changes to prescriptions (John Jones)
Customs Data Diddling (Mich Kabay)
Credit cards again (Mich Kabay)
Tax Frauds (Mich Kabay)
Re: Can SETI signals bear viruses? (Robert Ayers, Dave Weingart,
James Abendschan)
"When H.A.R.L.I.E. Was One" by Gerrold (Rob Slade)
Request for help with RISKy situation (Alan Wexelblat)
RISKS 15.38 15 January 1994
$500k phone fraud (Chuck Weinstock)
Wild agents in Telescript? (Phil Agre)
"Industry Defies Clinton on Data Encryption" -- John Markoff
Encryption Export Control, and Cantwell Bill (Sharon Webb)
(Mis)Information spreads like wildfire (Mabry Tyson)
Software Management Risks (Harry Erwin)
RISKS 15.39 21 January 1994
Hidden risks of earthquakes (Clive D.W. Feather)
Phony air traffic controller (Fernando Pereira)
Poulson/PacBell (Mich Kabay)
Links to Internet to be limited by DoD (Bob Kolacki)
India - Software Glitch Causes PSLV Failure (S. Ramani)
Verify your backups (Louis Todd Heberlein)
Safety in Telescript (Luis Valente)
Slippery Folks in the Oil Business (Peter Wayner)
Risks of Domain Names (Matt Cohen)
Re: Mail forwarding as easy as Call forwarding (John M. Sulak)
Cellular phone security features...NOT! (Matthew Goldman)
Harvard Case of Stolen Fax Messages (Sanford Sherizen)
Re: Hacker nurse makes unauthorised changes to prescriptions (Li Gong)
Spontaneous recovery from "NOMAIL" setting? (Ron Ragsdale)
Re: Proposal for new newsgroup on safety-critical systems (Jonathan Moffett)
Privacy Digests (Peter G. Neumann)
ISSA Conference Announcement (Dave Lenef)
RISKS 15.40 24 January 1994
Re: Spoofing Air Traffic Control (John Stanley, Wolper)
Re: Spoofing Telescript (Barry Margolin, Adrian Howard, Paul Barton-Davis,
Geoffrey Speare, John Pettitt)
Re: Spoofing SETI (Someone at NASA?, Bear Giles, Mark Staltzer, Steven King,
Steve Elias, Charles Bryant, David Honig, Mark Thorson, Jon Mauney,
Andrew Klossner, Dan Keith, Adam BJ Quantrill)
RISKS 15.41 26 January 1994
Lightning on the Ethernet (eddy, not flo)
E-Mail Fraud (Lori Carrig)
Update on voter fraud in Costella County, Colorado (Bear Giles)
Laptop Computer Could Explode (F. Barry Mulligan)
Opening of European borders delayed by InfoSys problems (Bertrand Meyer)
Canada loses satellites -- anyone have more info? (Alan Wexelblat)
Risks of dynamic binding (Andrew Shapiro)
New museum on cryptography (Jeremy Epstein)
Is Global Authentication Impossible? (Li Gong)
Re: Phony air traffic controller (Mark A. Bowers, Cameron Strom)
Re: Smart Cars and Highways (Jerry Leichter)
Re: Telescript risks (Bob Blakley III)
Re: Can SETI signals bear viruses? (Andrew Klossner)
RISKS 15.42 28 January 1994
RISKS 15.43 29 January 1994 [misdated 30 Jan]
Where has your Floating Point floated to? (Dave Wortman)
Canadian TeleSat Anik E-2 Down (Colin Perkel, Luis Fernandes)
Re: Lightning on the Ethernet (Jon Peatfield)
Re: Spontaneous recovery from "NOMAIL" setting (Al Stangenberger,
Ron Ragsdale, Peter M. Weiss)
Re: Verify your backups (Rob Horn, Dick Hamlet)
Crypto policy report available online (Lance J. Hoffman)
1994 IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy (Catherine Meadows)
RISKS 15.44 2 February 1994
Canada to monitor phone calls, fax, etc.? (Walter C. Daugherity)
Risks of cliche collisions on the information superhighway (Phil Agre)
Irrational risk research (Phil Agre)
Czech computer fraud (Mich Kabay)
Clipper Petition (Dave Banisar)
"Digital Woes" by Lauren Wiener (Rob Slade)
RISKS 15.45 8 February 1994
A Rise in Internet Break-ins Sets off a Security Alarm (NYT excerpt)
CERT Advisory - Ongoing Network Monitoring Attacks (CERT)
"Misunderstanding" a CERT advisory (Klaus Brunnstein)
RISKS 15.46 8 February 1994
Medical privacy violation (Mich Kabay)
Revised Documents on FTP server without version number (David W. Crawford)
Campaign Against Clipper (Dave Banisar)
Re: Clipper Petition (David Gursky)
Don't trust the phone company (Tom Bodine)
Modern discussion of computer risks in old book (Lauren Wiener)
RISKs of network surveys (Craig DeForest)
National Cryptology Museum (Larry Hunter)
10th ACSAC Call for Papers (Vince Reed)
RISKS 15.47 9 February 1994
"Sounding the Alarm: Noisy medical alert systems" (B Fitler)
(Semi-)electronic locks (Pete Kaiser)
Safety in Telescript, Part Deux (Luis Valente)
Risks of email exacerbating typos (M. Hedlund)
Patents Hearing as it relates to Software (Paul Robinson)
Network surveys et al. (Steve Holzworth)
Re: Don't Trust The Phone Company (Lars Poulsen)
Re: "Misunderstanding" a CERT advisory (D.R. Newman)
Re: Clipper Petition (Pete Kaiser, John Mainwaring)
Re: Altered White House Documents (Robert Firth, Larry Nathanson)
EFF Wants You (to add your voice to the crypto fight!) (Stanton McCandlish)
RISKS 15.48 9 February 1994
Notes on key escrow meeting with NSA (Matt Blaze)
Re: Campaign and Petition Against Clipper (Dorothy Denning)
RISKS 15.49 10 February 1994
FireFly in the ointment? (Don Watts)
Aging software ages suddenly! (Don Watts)
Clinical diagnosticians and diagnostic clinicians (David Honig)
UK bank preparing for electronic money trial (John Gray)
What goes around, comes around (Paul Robinson)
Electronic rumours (Mich Kabay)
Medicare Transaction System & the Electronic Superhighway (Mich Kabay)
Re: Risks of cliche collisions on the information superhighway (Mark Jackson)
Re: White House documents (Bill Casti via David Crawford)
Re: Cantwell and Spoofed Representatives? (Jon Leech)
Re: Sounding the Alarm (Robert J Horn)
Re: Verify your backups (Timothy Miller, Dan Lanciani, Martin Minow)
EMI article in IEEE Spectrum (Robert J Horn)
RISKS 15.50 10 February 1994
Re: Dorothy Denning's contribution to RISKS-15.48 on EES/Clipper/etc.
(Barbara Simons, Marc Rotenberg, George T. Talbot, Lance J. Hoffman,
Fredrick B. Cohen, A. Padgett Peterson, Geoff Kuenning)
RISKS 15.51 10 February 1994
FLASH: Vice President Gore Questions Current Key Escrow Policy!
(Stanton McCandlish)
CMU elections suspended due to computer problems (Declan B. McCullagh)
TCAS blamed for near collision over Portland (Lauren Wiener)
Pacific Bell Customers Get Unpleasant Messages (Lin Zucconi)
Two recent UK tales: Gas payment notices; info network problem (Peter Ladkin)
FBI falsely obtained wiretap in KC (Paul)
Re: "Misunderstanding" a CERT advisory (Espen Andersen)
Re: Altered White House Docs (A. Padgett Peterson, Pete Mellor, Jim Hoover)
About Computer Software and Patents (Paul Robinson)
RISKS 15.52 11 February 1994
Cygnus Support frees its security software to beat Internet break-ins
(John Gilmore)
Re: Campaign and Petition Against Clipper (Dorothy Denning, Marcus J. Ranum,
Carl Ellison, Paul R. Coen)
Re: Notes on key escrow meeting with NSA (Roy M. Silvernail)
Re: Coincidences (Sniffers, Breakins, and EES) (A. Padgett Peterson)
Re: Verify your backups (Li Gong)
Re: Electronic Keys vs. The Old Kind (Morgan Price)
New List on Computer/Telephone Problems/Bugs/Viruses/Dangers (Paul Robinson)
RISKS 15.53 12 February 1994
Electronic tax filing: MAKE.MONEY.FAST ??? (Ed Ravin)
Celebrity Risks -- Bill Gates (Jack B. Rochester)
Computers and Health (Computer User Family)
Microsoft Software Development Network registration (James Briggs)
Re: FireFly in the Ointment (Andy Kostic, Marco Barbarisi)
Re: Sounding the Alarm (Anthony E. Siegman, Georg Feil)
Re: Don't trust the phone company (Joe Konstan, Spencer W. Thomas,
Michal.Jankowski, Nancy Griffeth and others)
RISKS 15.54 14 February 1994
Voice-mail phreaking (Mich Kabay)
Electronic Food Stamps (Mich Kabay)
Another ATM "front end" fraud - this time caught (Jonathan Haruni)
[Lighter Side] Risks of computer-literate babies (Robert J Woodhead)
New Novel/Thought experiment... (Peter Wayner)
Recent Articles of Interest (Bob Frankston)
Re: Celebrity Risks -- Bill Gates (John Bush)
Card Fraud and Computer Evidence (Ross Anderson)
RISKS 15.55 15 February 1994
YAMIC [Yet Another Mistaken Identity Case] (Robert Herndon)
William Safire on Clipper: ESSAY: SINK THE CLIPPER CHIP
Over 10,000 Sign Petition to Oppose Clipper (Dave Banisar)
Canada to monitor phone calls,fax,etc.? (Sahel Alleyasin)
No switch on new Sun Microphone (Olin Sibert)
Electronic Mail vs Paper Mail (mathew)
FIRP report comments (Stephen D Crocker)
RISKS 15.56 17 February 1994
Smart Cards for London Buses (Mich Kabay)
NII Testimony (Robert Ellis Smith)
Losing ATM transactions (N.S. Youngman)
Telephone charges fail to fit the bill (Marcus Marr)
Re: E-mail risks (Bill Fitler, Rex Black)
737 crash near Panama (Tim Steele)
Re: YAMIC [Yet Another Mistaken Identity Case] (Jim Cook)
Who says the Clipper issue is complicated? (D.J. Bernstein)
Re: Classified justifications; escrowed keys (Carl Ellison)
CFP, First Smart-Card Research & Advanced Application Conference
RISKS 15.57 22 February 1994
Extra line in Chemical Bank program doubles ATM withdrawals (John Sullivan)
What else happens when the airbag in your car detonates? (William Caloccia)
SimHealth (Mike Zehr)
Risks of "doing it right" (David Wittenberg)
The ultimate couch potato (Bruce Balden)
Telephone Card Audit Trails (F.Baube[tm])
E-Mail Courtesy (Dan Yurman, Peter Cherna, Greg J B)
E-mail to Bill (Aaron Barnhart)
CompuServe Offers Credit Info (John Murray)
Electronic Food Stamps (LoQuan Seh)
Re: YAMIC [Yet Another Mistaken Identity Case] (Bryan J Dawson)
John Perry Barlow WiReD article on Clipper (Martin Minow)
RISKS 15.58 23 February 1994
E-Mail blunder at Olympics (David G. Novick)
Dog Gets Card With $10G Limit (marc via PGN)
Computer error adds to ad valorem tax for 300,000 people (James E. Burns)
Embezzler caught by computer trail (James E. Burns)
Software testing at Sizewell (Brad Dolan)
Clipping Clinton and the Executive Branch... (Peter Wayner)
Clipper: Love your country, don't trust its government (David Honig)
Re: CompuServe Offers Credit Info (Steve Bellovin)
Social RISKS of Universal IDs (John Oram)
Re: SimHealth (Gerd Meissner, Bob Frankston)
Re: Telephone Card Audit Trails (Jonathan I. Kamens)
Re: E-Mail Courtesy (Jim Haynes, Bob Frankston)
Re: Electronic Food Stamps (Colby Kraybill)
Re: International Internet Association (Jeff Porten)
RISKS 15.59 26 February 1994
Microsoft Dinged for $120 Million
Leaving intelligence to the experts: lie detectors and Clipper
(John M. Sullivan)
Janitor interrupts UPS (Lisa Balbes)
Portuguese drug ring ensnared by pager technology (Fernando Pereira)
Snag hits Reserve Bank of India's clearing operations (S. Ramani)
"Wire Pirates" - article in March 1994 Scientific American (Martin Minow)
Van Eck Radiation Helps Catch Spies (Winn Schwartau)
Re: Software testing at Sizewell (Dave Parnas)
Re: SimHealth (Bill Stewart)
Re: The ultimate couch potato (Bear Giles)
FLASH: FBI's Draft Digital Telephony Bill: EFF Summary and Analysis
(Daniel J. Weitzner)
RISKS 15.60 28 February 1994
$1M deposited in bank error (PGN)
Another Olympic E-mail Penetration (PGN)
The dangers of electronic mail (Rob Hasker)
Ex-employee arrested in computer-file theft (Lance Gatrell)
How about bounties for inspecting safety-critical software?
(Michael Chastain)
Reloadable and Smart Cards en route to worldwide acceptance (Gordon Webster
and Sree Kumar)
FBI Digital Telephony Proposal and PCS mobile phone networks (M. Hedlund)
Re: Van Eck Radiation ... (James H. Haynes, Fredrick B. Cohen,
Vadim Antonov, Bob Brown, John R Levine, Bill Bolosky)
RISKS 15.61 3 March 1994
More on the $1M deposited in bank error (Raju Varghese)
Internet Trojans (Mich Kabay)
Biometrics (Paul Robinson)
Re: Aldrich Ames and the Clipper Project... (Peter Wayner)
Some Thoughts on Clipper, NSA, and one key-escrow alternative (Jim Bidzos)
Algorithms have unclear boundaries (Mike Crawford)
Response from Cambridgeshire Constabulary (Lawrence Kestenbaum)
Re: Threatening E-mail (Peter B Ladkin)
Re: Bounties for Safety-Critical Software (Peter B Ladkin)
RISKS 15.62 3 March 1994
Joe Camel's 10,000,000 best friends (Phil Agre)
Double Posting of Credit Card Charges (Bryan Apple)
Video Tech & Privacy... what's becoming possible (David Honig)
RISK of computer-controlled landings (Simson L. Garfinkel)
Headline: "Child molesters use computer talk as bait" (David Tarabar)
Conviction for spreading virus? (Laurel Kristick)
'We {Will} Find you...' (Paul Robinson)
Local TV News Report Misses The Boat (Dan Danknick)
Educating on the RISKS of the Internet (Jeremy Epstein)
Will they ever learn? [Passwords] (Roger Binns)
One time Passwords and Encryption (A. Padgett Peterson)
Of Locks and Legends (Dave Pierson)
Impact fuel cutoff anecdote, risk (Bob_Wise)
NTIA Releases Notice of Inquiry on Privacy Issues (Beth Givens)
SIGSOFT 94 Call For Papers (Dave Wile)
RISKS 15.63 7 March 1994
Yet Another Mistaken Identity (Mike Zehr)
Philadelphia 911 Crash (Steve Pielocik)
Service a computer, go to jail (Kriss A. Hougland)
Court Case casts doubt on cashpoint credibility (Brian Randell)
`Hacker' alters Drug Protocol in British Hospital (Peter B Ladkin)
Will Australia be doomed to repeat Clipper? (Rhys Weatherley)
A Well Oiled Mac (Jon Golob)
SCIENCE article critical of computer models (Jon Jacky)
Re: Autopilot landings in `zero visibility' (Peter B Ladkin)
The risks of user ID's (Jason Haines)
RISKS RISKS: Bug in mailing RISKS-15.61 (Mike Sullivan, PGN)
RISKS 15.64 10 March 1994
Irony & embarrassment (Gene Spafford)
Another twist on Harding e-mail breach (John C. Rivard)
Maybe appalling grammar is bad language design (Don Norman)
Wrong credit card in the mail (Stephanie Leif Aha)
Troubled water crossing bridge (Harald Hanche-Olsen)
Calling-Number-ID catches obscene caller (Richard R Urena)
X windows makes patient breathless (Govinda Rajan and Mathew Lodge)
Trouble in comicland? (Arthur Goldstein)
Getting help on the Internet (Phil Agre)
Re: Clipper (Keith Henson, Carl Ellison, Stanton McCandlish)
COMPUTER RISK! [Early April Fooling?] (Simon Travaglia)
RISKS 15.65 11 March 1994
Using Caller ID to catch obscene callers (anonymous)
Hard-drive headache (Robert Telka)
Digital Detritus (Eric Sosman, Stephen D Crocker)
Re: Maybe appalling grammar is bad language design (Mark Jackson,
Alayne McGregor)
RISK to freedom of information (Philip Overy)
Re: Clipper (Mark Eckenwiler, Daniel B. Dobkin)
13th Intrusion-Detection Workshop (Teresa Lunt)
First announcement of COMPASS '94, program and info (Teresa Lunt)
RISKS 15.66 17 March 1994
Hit the Wrong Key, become a Verb... (Peter Wayner)
Aldrich Ames, Master Hacker? (Peter Wayner)
"Clipper Compromised?" brief in Network World (Christopher Wysopal)
Sly Imposter Robs S.F. Man of Good Name (Mike Crawford)
Fire knocks out phone service in LA (George Feil)
Ease of Administering Phone Systems Leads to Risk of Sabotage (George Pajari)
Nessy - same new trick (Bob Frankston)
Super-ID and Surveillance (Mich Kabay)
Caught with their pants down [de-picted by rabbit admirers] (Mich Kabay)
Neo-nazi T.A.D. eavesdropping (Mich Kabay)
Derivatives (Phil Agre)
Followup report on TCAS incident in Portland (Lauren Wiener)
Caller ID utility (Robert Morrell Jr.)
New Security Paradigms Workshop: CFP and Correction (Catherine A. Meadows)
RISKS 15.67 18 March 1994
Hazards on the Superhighway (Erskine Widemon)
The RISKS of whale removal (Tom Mahoney via Mark Stalzer)
The Handmaid's Tale, Giuliani-Style (Chris Kreussling)
IRS Surveillance (J. Cooper)
Risk Conference - Two for the price of one! (Patrick J. O'Toole)
911 (again) (Richard Johnson)
Re: Clipper Compromised (Dorothy Denning)
It's Apple and it's grammar. (John Oram)
L.A. phone fire (a.k.a. "Risks of believing ...) (Lauren Weinstein)
RSAREF/RIPEM Free and Legal Worldwide (Jim Bidzos)
CERT ADVISORY - MD5 Checksums (CERT) [Full text in RISKS-15.67MD5]
RISKS 15.68 22 March 1994
Gambling (Phil Agre)
I really like this guy's attitude (Alan Wexelblat)
Phone Machines Call Each Other, Part Deux (Russell S. Aminzade)
IRS Surveillance (Part II) (Zajac)
Dutch legislators trying to pull a fast one? (Ralph Moonen)
Funny Money article in THE SCIENCES (Mich Kabay)
Human Genome Project & Privacy (Mich Kabay)
SGML--archiving style + content (Mich Kabay)
Risk of bringing plastic cards through UK customs (Ross Anderson)
RISKs of safe ATMs (Sidney Markowitz)
Re: Hard-drive headache! (David M. Miller)
Re: The RISKS of whale removal, copyrights (Matthew B. Landry, Mark Stalzer)
Comment on my earlier posting on punctuation and spelling errors (Don Norman)
Re: Caught with their pants down (Sean Malloy)
RISKS 15.69 25 March 1994
Another ATM failure (with a happier ending) (Mark Connolly)
Bugs hold up farm cheques (Mich Kabay)
Nut behind the wheel (Mich Kabay)
Digital Telephone Switches and Modems (Bob Oesterlin)
Grammatik bug mistaken for racial putdown (Marni Elci via Roy Beimuts)
Re: Denver Baggage Handling (John Gersh, Marcus J Ranum, Bear Giles)
Re: Funny Money article (Sean Eric Fagan, Curtis Jackson, Tobias Ulmer)
Re: RISKs of safe ATMs (M. Hedlund)
Re: Comment on earlier [Don Norman] posting (Marcus J Ranum)
CFP: 2nd ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security (Li Gong)
RISKS 15.70 28 March 1994
April Fools on the Senate (John Dvorak and Chris Casey via Arthur R. McGee)
Risks to government (Robert Davis)
IRS persistence (Dave Methvin)
BT Billing computers innocent (Marcus Marr)
Insurance claims ignore patients name (David Bazell)
The RISKs of Canadian Poodles using 911 (John Oram)
Ottawa, Canada, Radio contest overloads phone system (Henry Troup)
911 as wrong number - they don't seem to care anymore (Jeff Hibbard)
Re: Denver Baggage Handling (Jan Vorbrueggen)
Re: The RISKS of whale removal (David G. Novick)
Re: Banknotes and photocopiers (Tom Standage, Padgett Peterson)
RISKS 15.71 29 March 1994
Risks of washroom automation (Paul Colley)
Pay-per-View failure lets adult station go unscrambled (Mike Carleton)
Role-playing Addiction (Mich Kabay)
Software theft statistics (Mich Kabay)
Risks of spelling checkers (John Girard, PGN)
Busy-waiting woes (Darren Senn)
Recent useful newspaper pieces on crypto policy (Lance J. Hoffman)
Re: L.A. Phone Fire (Nevin Liber)
Re: Canadian Poodles using 911 (Shawn Mamros)
Re: Banknotes and photocopiers (Mike Sullivan)
Re: IRS persistence (Robin Kenny)
Preliminary Program 7th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Workshop (Li Gong)
RISKS 15.72 31 March 1994
Mud Slide Cuts East Coast Phones (PGN)
Briton Survives "Monster" Attack due to computer glitch (Will Deatrick)
Risk Evasion Measures Create New Risks (Stephen A. Stough)
Rental cars and financial derivatives (Phil Agre)
White collar crime in Australia (Mich Kabay)
Hotline reassignment (Mich Kabay)
Electronic purse (Mich Kabay)
Dials! (Bob Frankston)
Re: Spelling Checkers (Geoff Cole, Mary Shafer, Scott A. Siege,
Simson L. Garfinkel)
Disclaimers in software (PGN)
Junior Exec's Reverse Alchemy (Martin Howard)
Yet another SSN misuse (Brian Clapper)
EFF Summary of Public Interest NII Summit 29 Mar 1994 (Stanton McCandlish)
RISKS 15.73 1 April 1994
A320 software goes on "3rd Party" maintenance (Pete Mellor)
Re: Risks of spelling checkers (Joseph T Chew, Andrea Chen, Eric Sosman)
Re: Mud Slide Cuts East Coast Phones (David Lesher)
Aural Sex and Rudder Actuators (A. Padgett Peterson)
More jail-door openings (Tom Markson, PGN)
find/xargs strangeness (Peter J. Scott, Chris Dodd)
P. R. China Computer Security Rules (John Ho)
RISKS 15.74 2 April 1994
Re: Spell checking (J. Taggart Gorman, Pete Mellor, Castor Fu, Les Earnest)
Re: Language ability is not entirely learned (Paul Colley)
Re: Spelling, punctuation, poor language technology (Bill Stewart)
Re: English spelling design (Christopher Upward)
RISKS 15.75 13 April 1994
E-Mail saves a man's life
Risks of powerful computers to the quality of science (Dan Ruderman)
Robot mower (Pete Mellor)
God Grants Granite Gift to RISKS Punsters (Peter Wayner)
The Soft Pork Underbelly of Efficient Markets (Peter Wayner)
A creative, HONEST software disclaimer (Neil MacKay)
E-mail problems (Andrew W Kowalczyk)
Holiday Inn extra key requirements (Lance A. Brown)
Fingerprinting & welfare (Mich Kabay)
Re: More jail-door openings (Al Stangenberger)
WAIS (Peter Wayner)
RISKS 15.76 18 April 1994
"Friendly Fire" --- U.S. F-15s take out U.S. Black Hawks (PGN)
The Green-Card Flap
Data-storage technique provides copy protection (Meine van der Meulen)
Yet another example of software modification risks (Jim Dukelow)
Re: Risks ... to the quality of science [randomness] (Steen Hansen)
MIT student arrested for BBS used for pirate software (Fredrick B. Cohen)
Credit-Card Fraud (Greg Philmon)
NII and the US Card (Bill Murray)
Reckless Baby Bell Marketing (Alan Miller)
Re: P.R. China Computer Security Rules (Tom Albertson, Dan Sorenson)
Delayed Dial Tone causes unintentional 911 calls (Chonoles Michael Jesse)
Seeking lit ref: we trust calculators over ourselves (Mike Crawford)
Information resource (Michael Enlow)
RISKS 15.77 19 April 1994
Risks ... to the quality of science: Clifford Truesdell (Michael Tobis)
Dial-in Electric Meter Readings Sans Safeguards (Scott Rose)
Stun belts -- who has the remote? (Jak Kirman)
Risks of Data Compression (Joe Decker)
TV Guide Contest (Agris Taurins)
Re: MIT student arrest (Dwight Silverman, Sidney Markowitz)
Re: Green-Card Flap [Risks, Lawyers] (Ed Clarke)
"Naissance d'un virus" by Ludwig/Condat (Rob Slade)
IFIP SEC '94 Program (Willis H. Ware)
RISKS 15.78 22 April 1994
Computerized Traffic-Light Problems (Debora Weber-Wulff)
Risks of winning (Stanley Chow)
Computer Generates False Tsunami Warning in Japan (George Pajari)
NYC subway fare cards double-deduct; UI at fault (Andrew Marc Greene)
A consumer risk from Thomson Consumer Electronics
Re: we trust calculators over ourselves (John Powell)
Re: Risks ... to the quality of science (A. Padgett Peterson)
Re: Risks of Data Compression (John Kennedy)
Re: Math and money laundering (Erann Gat, Peter Wayner)
Re: Information resource (Edward Reid)
Re: Green Card Posting (Caveh Jalali, Ned Kittlitz, Mark Brader)
RISKS 15.79 26 April 1994
Fax programming -- risk to politicians (Tom Keenan)
Data Escape from Prison (Mich Kabay)
Industrial espionage (Mich Kabay)
Trojan @ U. Michigan (Mich Kabay)
$14 million QA failure (Mich Kabay)
Security and Privacy panels (John Rushby)
Strange Stalking (Flint Waters)
UK Industrial Spy Law (Peter Sommer)
Combination Locks I Have Known (Neil McKellar)
Unusual Newspaper Error (Stewart Rowe)
Risks of advertising on the net (Jerry Leichter)
Updated addresses for Canter & Siegel (Paul Robinson)
Re: MIT student arrested for BBS used ... (Tim Shepard, Douglas Rand)
Re: NYC subway fare cards double-deduct (Mark Brader, Dan Lanciani,
Padgett Peterson)
RISKS 15.80 28 April 1994
DMV Computer upgrade goes awry... (Marshall Clow)
Time-series wins jackpot (Mich Kabay)
Drunk in charge..... (Kearton Rees)
Stress Analysis of a Software Project [long] (Tom Davis via Jerry Leichter)
RISKS 15.81 29 April 1994
Boot Prom commits Denial of Service Attack (Dave Wortman)
Cyrix 486 CPU Bug (Dave Methvin)
Call Identifier (tm) forgets list of received calls (Robert Chesler)
Re: Unwanted FAX received via voicemail (Declan A. Rieb)
Re: Stress Analysis of a Software Project (Tom Davis via Joan Eslinger,
A. Padgett Peterson)
Inspecting Critical Software (David Parnas via Jan Arsenault)
End of RISKS-FORUM Digest 15.82