[1] in RISKS Forum

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Reason for this meeting

Sun Jun 7 00:21:04 1987

	This is meeting is being fed with the RISKS Forum mailing list.
If you want to switch to reading RISKS on discuss, let me know if you
want to be taken off the redistribution list; please don't send local
administrivia to RISKS-REQUEST@SRI-CSL, as it will just get bounced back
to me eventually.


   "RISKS" is a distribution list for discussion of issues related to
   risks to the public in the use of computer systems.  It has
   sponsorship of the ACM Committee on Computers and Public Policy
   (Chaired by Peter G. Neumann), but is open to everyone.

   Contributions are welcome on a wide range of relevant topics
   bearing on the stated subject.  Contributors are requested to avoid
   overt political statements, personal attacks, flames, etc.
   Inappropriate submissions will be rejected.

   Back issues may be FTPed from SRI-CSL files
   where "vol" and "no" are volume and number.  <RISKS>Risks-1.1 was
   issued 1 Aug 85.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to RISKS-REQUEST@SRI-CSL.  Adding a
   BBOARD address is preferable to individual net addresses, to keep
   net traffic down.

   Coordinator: Peter G. Neumann <NEUMANN@SRI-CSL>

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