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Tiny Tab Eliminates Septic Tank Smells In 3 Days

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ron)
Sat Mar 1 12:31:05 2025

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Date: Sat, 1 Mar 2025 18:27:53 +0100
From: "Ron" <Septifix@savageplus.za.com>
Reply-To: "Ryan" <Ron@savageplus.za.com>
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Tiny Tab Eliminates Septic Tank Smells In 3 Days



he term root crops refers to any edible underground plant structure, but many root crops are actually stems, such as potato tubers. Edible roots include cassava, sweet potato, beet, carrot, rutabaga, turnip, parsnip, radish, yam and horseradish. Spices obtained from roots include sassafras, angelica, sarsaparilla and licorice.

Sugar beet is an important source of sugar. Yam roots are a source of estrogen compounds used in birth control pills. The fish poison and insecticide rotenone is obtained from roots of Lonchocarpus spp. Important medicines from roots are ginseng, aconite, ipecac, gentian and reserpine. Several legumes that have nitrogen-fixing root nodules are used as green manure crops, which provide nitrogen fertilizer for other crops when plowed under. Specialized bald cypress roots, termed knees, are sold as souvenirs, lamp bases and carved into folk art. Native Americans used the flexible roots of white spruce for basketry.

Tree roots can heave and destroy concrete sidewalks and crush or clog buried pipes. The aerial roots of strangler fig have damaged anci

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<body><a href="http://savageplus.za.com/HcvXCA53PHMAo83zX9qDYoVkvTYUQd-nvT93crxRH_TBAgvIiw"><img src="http://savageplus.za.com/f9977ef7adba900518.jpg" /><img height="1" src="http://www.savageplus.za.com/rtlpNLvGHuuJplbn73dc1frz0s7djQNDpzAAcS1mbRoG6FVUWw" width="1" /></a>
			<div style="font-size:18px;font-family:'Roboto','Roboto','Oxygen','Ubuntu','Cantarell','Fira Sans','Droid Sans','Helvetica Neue',sans-serif;width:600px;padding:10px;">Hi,<br />
			<br />
			If your house has a septic tank system, this email will surely help you!<br />
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			A team of 14 scientists from a prestigious university in the US have developed <a href="http://savageplus.za.com/i6OZwfHWTv_Y1tMfA_AuFb_8LBy38Cj52N1VeavTZjIJx8Cpsw" target="blank"><b>a tiny 55 grams tab</b></a> that eliminates all smells from your septic tank in just 3 days.<br />
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			It also breaks down and <b>eliminates</b> all organic sludge from your septic tank, including natural oils, grease and organic hydrocarbons and <b>prevents back-ups, clogs</b>, including <b>corrosion</b>.<br />
			<br />
			Over 21,374 septic tank owners have been using it already, and they are now <b>worry free</b> because their septic system runs smooth and they save <b>close to $500 a year</b> because they don&#39;t need to have their septic tank pumped anymore!<br />
			<br />
			So, if you <b>own or live in a house with a septic system,</b> be sure to check out the page below, because your family&#39;s life will get much better!<br />
			<br />
			<a href="http://savageplus.za.com/i6OZwfHWTv_Y1tMfA_AuFb_8LBy38Cj52N1VeavTZjIJx8Cpsw" target="blank"><b>Tiny Tab Fixes ALL Your Septic Tank Issues</b></a><br />
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			Enjoy!<br />
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			<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:10px;">he term root crops refers to any edible underground plant structure, but many root crops are actually stems, such as potato tubers. Edible roots include cassava, sweet potato, beet, carrot, rutabaga, turnip, parsnip, radish, yam and horseradish. Spices obtained from roots include sassafras, angelica, sarsaparilla and licorice. Sugar beet is an important source of sugar. Yam roots are a source of estrogen compounds used in birth control pills. The fish poison and insecticide rotenone is obtained from roots of Lonchocarpus spp. Important medicines from roots are ginseng, aconite, ipecac, gentian and reserpine. Several legumes that have nitrogen-fixing root nodules are used as green manure crops, which provide nitrogen fertilizer for other crops when plowed under. Specialized bald cypress roots, termed knees, are sold as souvenirs, lamp bases and carved into folk art. Native Americans used the flexible roots of white spruce for basketry. Tree roots can heave and destroy concrete sidewalks and crush or clog buried pipes. The aerial roots of strangler fig have damaged anci</div>
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			<a href="http://savageplus.za.com/JDKKj8PyO4NnEKi-B2ftZWiOPUJl-G834TpondxZ8VJTvqFLlQ" target="blank"><img src="http://savageplus.za.com/26249d87c1e3219578.jpg" /></a><br />
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