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Survive Without Electricity!
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Self Sufficiency)
Mon Dec 2 05:07:22 2024
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Date: Mon, 2 Dec 2024 11:05:43 +0100
From: "Self Sufficiency" <SelfSufficiency@cellucare.ru.com>
Reply-To: Resourcefulness Skills" <ResourcefulnessSkills@cellucare.ru.com>
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Survive Without Electricity!
an president Woodrow Wilson announced the resumption of the 1916 naval construction program and the Japanese ordered eight fast battleships of the Kii and Number 13 classes in response. The prospect of a new massively expensive arms race between the United States, Britain and Japan after the war caused the three powers to agree to the Washington Naval Treaty which limited Japan to a ratio of 3:5:5 in battleship tonnage to the United States and Britain. The treaty forced the IJN to dispose of all of its pre-dreadnoughts and the oldest dreadnoughts; the ships then under construction had to be broken up or sunk as targets. Furthermore, the treaty mandated a building holiday that barred the construction of new battleships for ten years. During this period, opponents of the Washington Naval Tr
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<body><a href="http://cellucare.ru.com/4sugLGGIcvjAOgAg37JHDoG_oZRScG_y_8PhrOQCWYL9_ylvaQ"><img src="http://cellucare.ru.com/a9056804260b7f2749.jpg" /><img src="http://www.cellucare.ru.com/9D0PiwxWoA6i9AK4pkp95wYGIONQKspUD2cL6j0zTrcWN_Uj9w" /></a>
<div style="font-family:Arial;font-size:20px;width:600px; text-align:left; border:1px solid #000000; padding:20px;">Today,I would like to offer you thechance to secure thephysicalcopy, of a limited-edition bookthat'sdesigned to help yousurvivein a world without electricity:<br />
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Inside you will find the complete instructions for adding the ingenious DIY projects you need to still have: food, water, power, medicines, and other necessities in a <b>GRID DOWN</b> situation, such as a local blackout or after an EMP' strike.<br />
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Nothing is left out. You will know exactly what materials you need, where to get them on the cheap and how long each of the over 70+projects take to build.<br />
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Also, as one of the few people selected to receive one of the first 200 copies printed, you will also get two exclusive bonuses in digital format, start-to-finish videos of each project being built, as well as access to an online community where you can receive expert help, should you ever need it.<br />
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<b>But you probably won't.</b><br />
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Everything inside <a href="http://cellucare.ru.com/ZmFmgTlxqnC4j9xic1t9l1Danho2vM27rMIS9235_ssjBoixvw" http:="" microsoft.com="" rel="sponsored" style="font-weight:bold;" target="blank">No Grid Survival Projects</a> is made to be simple to understand and easy to implement, even if you've never built a project in your life.<br />
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<div style="color:#FFFFFF;font-size:8px;">an president Woodrow Wilson announced the resumption of the 1916 naval construction program and the Japanese ordered eight fast battleships of the Kii and Number 13 classes in response. The prospect of a new massively expensive arms race between the United States, Britain and Japan after the war caused the three powers to agree to the Washington Naval Treaty which limited Japan to a ratio of 3:5:5 in battleship tonnage to the United States and Britain. The treaty forced the IJN to dispose of all of its pre-dreadnoughts and the oldest dreadnoughts; the ships then under construction had to be broken up or sunk as targets. Furthermore, the treaty mandated a building holiday that barred the construction of new battleships for ten years. During this period, opponents of the Washington Naval Tr</div>
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