[106] in 6.033 discussion

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This sounds an awful lot like a 6.033 case study. :)

Thu Mar 13 12:48:26 1997

Process Maintaining Confidentiality for VI-A Internship Applications in 
Electronic Form

        The present VI-A Internship application process involves paper submission
of an application form with enclosures, grades, and an optional letter of
reference.  Once received, the VI-A office makes two copies for each company that
the student wants to interview.  The VI-A office then sends by overnight mail 
1 copy of each application package to each selected company keeping 1 copy for
the VI-A office.  With about 150
students each interviewing up to 7 companies, the VI-A office makes more than
2000 copies of these application packages.  We would like to simplify the
application process and communications to VI-A companies by having all
application materials in electronic form.  EECS will fund an M. Eng. RA or an
advanced UROP student to work with Prof. Markus Zahn, VI-A Director, Prof. Paul
Penfield, EECS Department Head, and Mr. David
Rho, EECS Manager of Departmental Computing, to develop this electronic
application process on the world wide web while maintaining confidentiality of
student records.  We envision that the application form be available
electronically to all qualified course VI sophomores and selected juniors with
grade transcripts, letters of reference and other supplementary materials
submitted electronically or perhaps scanned in, with optional links to student's
home pages.  This information should then only be accessible via a password
supplied to VI-A companies that the student selects.
        Please contact Prof. M. Zahn (x3-4688,email:zahn@mit.edu, Room 10-174) 
if you are interested in this project and
supply a resume.  This project can start immediately or this summer.

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