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[6394]  Geoffrey Thomas           Debathena Beta: sudo (fwd)
[6395]  andrew m. boardman        Re: Minutes from release-team, 7/21
[6396]  quemoy                    intertwine
[6397]  Robert Basch              Re: Minutes from release-team, 7/21
[6398]  Jonathan Reed             Meeting tomorrow (Tuesday), 2pm, N42-203
[6399]  Evan Broder               Re: Meeting tomorrow (Tuesday), 2pm, N42-203
[6400]  Jonathan Reed             Minutes form 8/4 release team meeting
[6401]  Geoffrey Thomas           -c filsrv in the default zephyr subs
[6402]  Jonathan Reed             Re: -c filsrv in the default zephyr subs
[6403]  Mitchell E Berger         Re: -c filsrv in the default zephyr subs
[6404]  Jonathan Reed             Fwd: state of Debathena upgrade in Dorm Clusters (BC and MacG)
[6405]  Evan Broder               Re: Fwd: state of Debathena upgrade in Dorm Clusters (BC and MacG)
[6406]  Jonathan Reed             Re: state of Debathena upgrade in Dorm Clusters (BC and MacG)
[6407]  William Cattey            Does the perl Cyrus IMAP service break when accessed through NAT?
[6408]  Jonathan Reed             Re: Does the perl Cyrus IMAP service break when accessed through NAT?
[6409]  Jonathan Reed             Re: Does the perl Cyrus IMAP service break when accessed through NAT?
[6410]  William Cattey            Re: Does the perl Cyrus IMAP service break when accessed through NAT?
[6411]  Greg Hudson               Re: Does the perl Cyrus IMAP service break when accessed through
[6412]  Jonathan Reed             Release Team meeting today, N42-203, 2pm
[6413]  Geoffrey Thomas           Debathena hackathon August 29
[6414]  Steidley                  y, and before he could be hushed the n