[7988] in Release_7.7_team
Re: Linerva transition meeting today
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathon Weiss)
Wed Jan 29 15:42:52 2014
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2014 15:42:40 -0500 (EST)
From: Jonathon Weiss <jweiss@MIT.EDU>
To: Jonathan D Reed <jdreed@MIT.EDU>
cc: Alexander W Dehnert <adehnert@MIT.EDU>,
Alexander Chernyakhovsky <achernya@MIT.EDU>,
"linerva@mit.edu" <linerva@MIT.EDU>,
"release-team@mit.edu" <release-team@MIT.EDU>
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> Here, have a skeleton article. =A0I=92ll flesh it out later, specifically=
to include setting up _new_ key pairs (do we want to issue recommendations=
about keysize (4096?) or preferred algorithm?)
> http://kb.mit.edu/confluence/x/qz4YCQ
Can this include something to the effect of: "Logging in via this method wi=
ll not get you kerberos tickets, which means that many authenticated networ=
k services will break or only partially function, including AFS, email, zep=
hyr, and others."
Please wordsmith that as appropriate.