[7978] in Release_7.7_team
Re: Linerva transition meeting today
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathon Weiss)
Tue Jan 28 14:39:38 2014
Date: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 14:39:26 -0500 (EST)
From: Jonathon Weiss <jweiss@MIT.EDU>
To: Alex Dehnert <alex@dehnerts.com>
cc: linerva@MIT.EDU, release-team@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: <52E7F47A.905@dehnerts.com>
Message-ID: <alpine.DEB.2.02.1401281434280.6544@the-other-woman.mit.edu>
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I've confirmed with Garry that he's fine with this plan. He did
suggest that we move the linerva/linux names to an ops run VM that
served the re-direct messages. I would expect ops to run that VM at
least through the end of the term. That would leave you with more
flexibility about recycling the current VM and hypervisor.
Because of the tight schedule of transitioning on Thrusday or Friday,
(and the difference in the work required for the different plans) I'd
like to know if there are any problems with this approach by 6pm
today, if at all possible.
On Tue, 28 Jan 2014, Alex Dehnert wrote:
> We met with Jonathon today to discuss how we would carry out the
> linerva->athena.dialup transition. Tentative plan, assuming that the rest of
> Ops and Linerva maintainers are okay with it, is to replace the Linerva sshds
> with something that rejects your login with a message about athena.dialup,
> and to run a high-port sshd for recovering dead sessions (aka plan 2 in the
> notes).
> I've attached limited notes from the meeting.
> ~~Alex