[7890] in Release_7.7_team
No meeting this week; updates
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathan Reed)
Thu Mar 7 11:25:29 2013
From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@MIT.EDU>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2013 11:25:20 -0500
Message-Id: <678937C4-9EC5-44D1-B27C-CD6E27FBF323@mit.edu>
To: release-team@MIT.EDU
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We will not be meeting this week.
Some updates:
1) I'm 99% certain we should not do a raring (13.04) release to the clusters.
- the upgrade path from raring is uncertain, and even what 14.04 will look like is uncertain.
- the dialups are unlikely to take 13.04 regardless
- we already put updated stuff in locker for people who want it.
- we can take the time to slog through our bugtracker and cleanup from Hardy.
- bitrot
- [please reply with additional concerns, if any]
We should plan to make a final decision by April and announce it to the community. We will still do a bulk reinstall of cluster machines this summer, for a variety of reasons.
2) There is a new milestone in Trac: "Current Semester", which equates to "now". So if there are new tickets that need to be fixed "now", please milestone them as that.
3) The lightdm fix that should eliminate (or at least drastically cut down on the number of) "low-graphics mode" warnings will go into production Wednesday night, along with some other fixes. (I'm at NERCOMP at the beginning of next week, hence the delay).