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Re: Concerns about memory leaks on Natty

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Paul R Acosta)
Thu Jun 30 19:12:53 2011

From: Paul R Acosta <pra@MIT.EDU>
To: Geoffrey G Thomas <geofft@mit.edu>
CC: "release-team@mit.edu Team" <release-team@mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2011 19:12:43 -0400
Message-ID: <CA32709F.F0A7%pra@mit.edu>
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Hi Geoffrey,

Yes, this was only noticeable when I was logged in for a while, but it was
faster than 80 MB per day for me.  I don't think I had any indicator-*
packages installed.  At least I did not install any of them, maybe they
were already installed.  I would check again, but I threw debian on the

I agree with your assessment, still leaky but manageable...

On 6/30/11 5:27 PM, "Geoffrey G Thomas" <geofft@MIT.EDU> wrote:

>Hi Paul,
>Is this only occuring when you've been logged into your machine for a
>while? I'm monitoring this on SIPB's Natty box (with zwgc running and
>subscribed to a few classes) and it looks like we're getting only about
>50-60 kB leaked per minute, which comes out to about 80 MB a day. While
>distasteful, it doesn't seem like it's actually an issue, especially in
>the cluster environment where users shouldn't be logged in for days at a
>The bug report you linked to, and a few linked from there, implicate
>indicator-multiload and possibly other indicator-* packages in greatly
>exacerbating the memory leak. Are you running any of those? Without them,
>it seems like Unity is still leaky but manageable.
>Geoffrey Thomas
>On Wed, 11 May 2011, Jonathan Reed wrote:
>> This is the issue I alluded to on zephyr today.  Paul notes that the
>> issue still occurs with Unity disabled, albeit still running Compiz.  I
>> asked about metacity and am waiting to hear back.
>> -Jon
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Paul R Acosta <pra@MIT.EDU>
>>> Date: May 11, 2011 4:13:42 PM EDT
>>> To: Jonathan D Reed <jdreed@mit.edu>
>>> Cc: Chris Gresham <cgresham@mit.edu>, Patricia Sheppard
>>><pshepp@mit.edu>, Garry P Zacheiss <zacheiss@mit.edu>
>>> Subject: Re: Debathena Release
>>> Hi Jon,
>>> I know this is an Ubuntu thing and not a debathena thing but I thought
>>> pass it along.  In the pipeline meeting this morning I mentioned that I
>>> was seeing a memory leak in Ubuntu 11.04 and this spawned a discussion
>>> about the release process.
>>> I installed Ubuntu 11.04 on a system at home that has 1gb ram.  I
>>> after some time it was swapping memory.  Curious, I rebooted and
>>> watching the memory utilization while I used the system. Sure enough,
>>> climbs back up.  I searched the web and found others were seeing it.
>>> e.g.
>>> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1750000
>>> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity/+bug/720446
>>> Maybe this is just something to watch and see if Ubuntu developers fix
>>> -Paul
>>> --
>>> Paul R. Acosta
>>> Manager - Network Operations
>>> Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>>> 77 Massachusetts Ave, Room W92-190
>>> Cambridge, MA 02139
>>> Phone: (617) 715-2171
>>> Email: pra@mit.edu

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