[7485] in Release_7.7_team
Minutes from 4/29 release team
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathan Reed)
Tue May 24 21:04:50 2011
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From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@MIT.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <B2A52A3C-6A36-4810-9AE9-D1C741F9EB49@mit.edu>
Date: Tue, 24 May 2011 21:04:42 -0400
Message-Id: <E97E5234-4983-4B59-A6F6-EA1AFB8832A6@mit.edu>
To: "release-team@mit.edu Team" <release-team@mit.edu>
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These are way overdue.
> Agenda:
> 1) 32-bit workstations in W20: These are scheduled to vanish on 6/30. Do we want to keep them around for another year?
Kill them (they'll reinstall themselves as 64-bit when we push out Natty).
> 2) Killing the LPR wrappers with fire
While not killing them, they should be severely singed, in that we should stop honoring LPROPT (and possibly PRINTER) and LPRng arguments, though we should whine at the user if they set LPROPT.
> 3) Future of lert and login counts? I'm told that the 2012 deactivation will not use lert. If lert will be going away, we need another source for login counts.
jweiss believes that lert will not be going away immediately, but jdreed will confirm with zacheiss.