[7241] in Release_7.7_team
Re: auto-update exploded
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathan Reed)
Thu Jan 27 10:43:51 2011
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From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@MIT.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <1296138703.21957.12.camel@w20-575-87.mit.edu>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2011 10:43:44 -0500
Cc: "release-team@MIT.EDU Release Team" <release-team@mit.edu>
Message-Id: <79397251-9A56-441C-B284-11CB93737F4E@mit.edu>
To: Joyce Gomes <jogomes@mit.edu>
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Hi Joyce,
Yes, unfortunately all the machines will need manual intervention. The directions below are an abbreviated version of what I sent to acis-team. As I noted there, if there are multiple "recovery mode" options, pick the one that is closest to the top of the list.
When you say you didn't see a screen for the rest of the instructions, what happened when you booted into recovery mode? Did the screen just go black? I've tested these directions on 5 different machines, and they should work.
Here's the full directions that I sent to acis-team:
1) At the login screen, click the power icon in the bottom right, and choose "Restart".
2) As soon as you see the Dell logo, hold down the left-hand Shift key (it has to be the one on the left). Keep it held down until you see a menu that says "GNU GRUB" at the top of the screen, then you can let go of the shift key.
3) Use the arrow keys to pick the item that says "(recovery mode)" at the end of it. If there are multiple ones listed, pick the topmost one. Press ENTER.
4) The machine will boot and then put you at a blue screen with another menu that says "Recovery menu". Choose the option that says "dpkg Repair broken packages" and press Enter.
5) A whole bunch of text will scroll by, and then it will ask you 3 or 4 questions. Enter "Y" for every question.
6) At the end, it should say "Finished, please press ENTER". At that point, you can press Ctrl-Alt-Del to reboot the machine, and it should be all set.
On Jan 27, 2011, at 9:31 AM, Joyce Gomes wrote:
> Hi John,
> Do we have to follow these instructions for all the machines in every
> cluster or is there specific machines you want us to look at? also when
> I get to the "recovery mode" screen there is a couple of different one's
> to choose from, I was able to do it but I didn't see a screen for the
> rest of the instructions you put below. Thanks
> Best,
> Joyce Gomes