[6357] in Release_7.7_team
Minutes from 6/9 meeting
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Jonathan Reed)
Tue Jun 9 14:46:08 2009
Message-Id: <EDB8AFD5-F84B-44F6-8469-21654494EC3E@mit.edu>
From: Jonathan Reed <jdreed@MIT.EDU>
To: "release-team@mit.edu" <release-team@mit.edu>
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Date: Tue, 9 Jun 2009 14:45:54 -0400
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Attending: amb, jweiss, othomas, alexp, jdreed, aurora, rbasch
I. Summer milestone
- Dell 760s (trac 165): We know how to fix the BIOS before deploying.
- For .xsession-errors, we might be able to do something clever like
copy the file to /tmp and put in a symlink so that the errors will be
displayed to the user. There are security concerns. Geofft will
test, but we will still package up the xconsole solution as a fallback
- Adding a vanilla Jaunty option to the Athena 10 PXE installer is
ACTION ITEM: broder and/or geofft will packge up our fixes for 148,
153, and 256 by the end of this weekend
ACTION ITEM: amb will add a Jaunty option to the Athena 10 PXE installer
II. Deployment schedule
- #215 has been fixed and is in proposed. It has been tested on
Jaunty but not Intrepid
- We should deploy Debathena to W20 first, that will be best for the
summer groups. W20 deployment will begin next week (6/15). We should
replace the HPs while we deploy.
-- At least one of the summer programs (Interphase) involves admitted
frosh, who have Exchange accounts. The mail icon should do something
clever. Geofft has a fix in proposed.
-- The lack of correct Hesiod pobox information for Exhcange users is
lamented by all. Suggestions of using black magic and or ritual
sacrifice to make "exchange.mit.edu" do the right thing are rejected.
ACTION ITEM: amb or rbasch will find an Intrepid machine using
proposed and test geofft's windowmanager fix
ACTION ITEM: jdreed will get a count of the HPs and Suns to othomas to
determine how many can be replaced with 760s and when.
III. Evolution vs. Thunderbird
- Far more people use Thunderbird than Evolution. The panel icon
should open that.
We need to make sure there is still a menu icon for Evolution users.
IV. Determine meeting times/days/locations for the summer
- Tentatively switching the meeting to Mondays at 2pm. We will mostly
meet in W92, but I reserve the right to meet in N42 occasionally.
ACTION ITEM: geofft and broder will confirm availability on Mondays at
2pm or will suggest alternative times.
V. Other business
- Moving forward with kiosk mode Firefox
- Rather than divert gdm.conf twice, the changes will become part of
cluster-login-config, which will then depend on the kiosk mode package
ACTION ITEM: Prior to packaging, rbasch will disable the minimize and
maximize buttons, and look into selectively disabling the google
search box and the URL bar.
Elapsed time: ~45 minutes (yay!)