[23] in Release_7.7_team
We aren't going with emacs19 for this release
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Carla Fermann)
Sun Mar 13 19:36:48 1994
To: epeisach@MIT.EDU, yandros@MIT.EDU
Cc: release-77@MIT.EDU
In-Reply-To: [0009]
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 94 19:36:36 EST
From: Carla Fermann <carla@MIT.EDU>
From the mail that's been going around I'm not sure if people are
aware of this or not. At the meeting on February 28th (trx [0009] in
release-77) we decided not to go with emacs19 at this point because of
the known impact, the unknown impact, the possible amount of support
involved, and the lack of what we felt would be sufficient advance