[16] in Release_7.7_team

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/etc/athena/login/Xsession should clean up better after users

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Tom Yu)
Thu Mar 10 15:17:41 1994

Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 15:17:34 -0500
To: suggest@MIT.EDU, release-77@MIT.EDU
From: Tom Yu <tlyu@MIT.EDU>

It is well known that workstations that users have used the access_on
command on for some reason or other often remain remotely accessible
long after the user who first enabled remote access logs out.  This is
because /etc/athena/reactivate rarely runs in a crowded cluster, and
it is the script which is responsible for periodically executing
access_off.  The following patch should help things somewhat.


*** /etc/athena/login/Xsession	Sun Aug 15 12:05:30 1993
--- /tmp/Xsession	Thu Mar 10 15:10:52 1994
*** 54,58 ****
--- 54,59 ----
  cd /tmp
  fsid -u -f $USER > /dev/null 2>&1
+ if [ -f /usr/athena/bin/access_off ]; then /usr/athena/bin/access_off; fi
  sleep 3					# let them see any messages (quickly)
  exit 0

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