[1384] in Release_7.7_team
IRIX 6.2 update can fail if disk volume header is too small
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Robert A Basch)
Fri Jul 24 12:53:22 1998
To: testers@MIT.EDU
Cc: release-team@MIT.EDU
Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 12:53:14 EDT
From: Robert A Basch <rbasch@MIT.EDU>
IRIX 6.2 requires an up-to-date sash (boot loader) in the disk volume
header; we thus always update it prior to booting the 6.2 miniroot.
On paddington, an R4400 Indy, the volume header wasn't big enough to
hold the new (larger) sash, thus breaking the miniroot boot. (The
miniroot booted in a crippled state; most important, AFS didn't start).
Since increasing the size of the volume header means a repartition of
the disk, the best recourse at that point is to reinstall.