Moira Commits
[2177] Jonathon Weiss [ops/moira] daaf21: From Mark: address moirad crash
[2178] Jonathon Weiss [ops/moira] 03d1fa: supply basic help and update usage
[2179] Jonathon Weiss [ops/moira] 5386c8: don't eat the bare word 'help' and supply usage
[2180] Terence Jordan [ops/moira]
[2181] Terence Jordan [ops/moira] 5b5509: update sql to include first years and
[2182] Terence Jordan [ops/moira] 4080da: forced reg type
[2183] Terence Jordan [ops/moira]
[2184] Terence Jordan [ops/moira] 5b5509: update sql to include first years and
[2185] aswayze [ops/moira] 23f0ab: correctly add users to exchange-forward-acl and
[2186] Terence Jordan [ops/moira] b7f241: feat: update from account v1 to account v2
[2187] Terence Jordan [ops/moira] b7f241: feat: update from account v1 to account v2
[2188] Robert Basch [ops/moira] a4f085: bugfix for exchange-forward-acl. CHG0059307.
[2189] Robert Basch [ops/moira] ca72c3: In incr-runner, fix clobbering of service name
[2190] Robert Basch [ops/moira] 23a6d4: Build system adjustments for the split of the
[2191] Robert Basch [ops/moira] 0de96f: Fix a memory corruption error when creating the
[2192] Robert Basch [ops/moira] 5923b3: Don't use access_ahad() for the access check for
[2193] Robert Basch [ops/moira] dd1b86: Bump the argument count for add_user_account
[2194] Robert Basch [ops/moira] fe38a4: Use the updated fields array in the new version
[2195] Robert Basch [ops/moira] d15975: In the ldap incremental, fix the management of
[2196] Robert Basch [ops/moira] 7ca081: In startmoira and startincr, call setsid() to
[2197] Robert Basch [ops/moira] a7cef9: In setup_uupi(), fix the regeneration of the