[6638] in Moira
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Order Confirmation via Docusign)
Wed Jan 22 09:08:58 2025
Reply-To: "Order Confirmation" <khalani@plerexors.com>
From: "Order Confirmation via Docusign" <dse_NA4@docusign.net>
To: "Dear Customer" <noreply@hashestops.store>
Message-ID: <321b7d60095d4400bd92a186a43fc8d0@docusign.net>
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2025 05:36:33 -0800
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Hello Dear Customer,
Order Confirmation has sent you a new Docusign document to view and sig=
n=2E Please click on the link below to begin signing=2E
We have identified a payment of $699=2E00 for 0=2E00789 BTC (Bitcoin) f=
rom your PayPal account=2E This transaction, initiated from an unfamili=
ar IP address in Texas, has been temporarily paused to safeguard your a=
What You Need to Do
If this transaction wasn=E2=80=99t authorized by you, please contact us=
immediately to prevent further action=2E
Contact Information
PayPal Resolution Center
=F0=9F=93=9E Toll-Free, 24/7 Support: +=F0=9D=9F=8F (=F0=9D=9F=96=F0=9D=
=9F=8E=F0=9D=9F=96) =F0=9D=9F=92=F0=9D=9F=95=F0=9D=9F=8E-=F0=9D=9F=95=F0=
To review this payment, click "REVIEW NOW=2E"
Transaction Details:
Item Purchased: Bitcoin (0=2E00789 BTC)
Charged Amount: $699=2E00
Date of Transaction: January 22, 2025
Invoice ID: TTRR-5645164
Next Steps:
If Unauthorized: Call +=F0=9D=9F=8F (=F0=9D=9F=96=F0=9D=9F=8E=F0=9D=9F=96=
) =F0=9D=9F=92=F0=9D=9F=95=F0=9D=9F=8E-=F0=9D=9F=95=F0=9D=9F=93=F0=9D=9F=
=92=F0=9D=9F=92 immediately to cancel or dispute the charge=2E
If Valid: No action is required=2E
Stay Secure
Your security is our priority=2E Please remember that PayPal will never=
ask for your password, PIN, or sensitive financial details via email=2E=
Always double-check communication before responding=2E
Note: This email is auto-generated=2E Replies are not monitored=2E If y=
ou detect unusual activity, don=E2=80=99t hesitate to reach out=2E
Thank you for trusting PayPal=2E
PayPal Security Team
=C2=A9 1999-2025 PayPal, Inc=2E All rights reserved=2E
If clicking the link does not work, you can highlight and copy the enti=
re line above and paste it into your browser to get started=2E
This message was sent to you by Order Confirmation who is using the Doc=
usign Electronic Signature Service=2E If you would rather not receive e=
mail from this sender you may contact the sender with your request=2E
Do Not Share This Email
This email contains a secure link to Docusign=2E Please do not share th=
is email, link, or access code with others=2E
Questions about the Document?
If you need to modify the document or have questions about the details =
in the document, please reach out to the sender by emailing them direct=
Stop receiving this email
Report this email https://protect=2Edocusign=2Enet/report-abuse?e=3DAUt=
Declining to sign=20
Managing notifications=20
If you have trouble signing, visit "How to Sign a Document" on our Docu=
sign Support Center, or browse our Docusign Community for more informat=
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<html lang=3D"en"><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"te=
xt/html; charset=3DUTF-8"/><meta name=3D"viewport" content=3D"initial-s=
cale=3D1=2E0"/><meta name=3D"format-detection" content=3D"telephone=3Dn=
o"/><title>EnvelopeActivation</title></head><body style=3D"background-c=
olor:#EAEAEA;padding:2%;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;"><table=
role=3D'presentation' border=3D'0' cellspacing=3D'0' cellpadding=3D'0'=
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<img width=3D"75" height=3D"75" src=3D"https://docucdn-a=2Eakamaihd=2En=
et/olive/images/2=2E76=2E0/email/iconSignWhite=2Epng" style=3D"width:75=
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ellspacing=3D'0' cellpadding=3D'0' width=3D'100%'><tr><td style=3D"padd=
ing-top:24px;font-size:16px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;bord=
er:none;text-align:center;color:#FFFFFF" align=3D"center"> Order Confir=
mation sent you a document to review and sign=2E </td></tr></table><tab=
le role=3D'presentation' border=3D'0' cellspacing=3D'0' cellpadding=3D'=
0' width=3D'100%'><tr><td align=3D"center" style=3D"padding-top:30px;">=
<div><table cellspacing=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0"><tr><td align=3D"center=
" height=3D"44" style=3D"font-size:15px;color:#FFFFFF;background-color:=
#735AFF;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-weight:bold;text-al=
5AFF;;display: block;"><a href=3D"https://na4=2Edocusign=2Enet/Signing/=
c0ad075236b3" style=3D"font-size:15px;color:#FFFFFF;background-color:#7=
35AFF;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-weight:bold;text-alig=
FF;;display:inline-block"><span style=3D"padding:0px 24px;;line-height:=
44px;"><!--[if mso]> <![endif]--> RE=
VIEW DOCUMENT <!--[if mso]> <![endif=
ble></td></tr><tr><td style=3D"padding:0px 24px 24px 24px;color:#000000=
;font-size:16px;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;background-color=
:white;"><table role=3D'presentation' border=3D'0' cellspacing=3D'0' ce=
llpadding=3D'0'><tr><td style=3D"padding-right:12px;padding-bottom:20px=
;"><img style=3D"height:40px;width:40px;border-radius:2px;" height=3D"4=
0" width=3D"40" src=3D"https://NA4=2Edocusign=2Enet/Member/image=2Easpx=
?i=3Dlogo&l=3D177588c3-74a4-4fef-bdb8-86329e42f741" alt=3D"Picture of O=
rder Confirmation" /></td><td style=3D"padding-bottom:20px;"><div style=
=3D"font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-weight:bold;line-height=
:18px;font-size:15px;color:#333333;"> Order Confirmation </div><div sty=
le=3D"font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;line-height:18px;font-size=
pan style=3D"font-size:15px;color:#333333;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,S=
ans Serif;line-height:20px;">We have identified a payment of $699=2E00 =
for 0=2E00789 BTC (Bitcoin) from your PayPal account=2E This transactio=
n, initiated from an unfamiliar IP address in Texas, has been temporari=
ly paused to safeguard your account=2E<br/> What You Need to Do<br/> If=
this transaction wasn=E2=80=99t authorized by you, please contact us i=
mmediately to prevent further action=2E<br/><br/> Contact Information<b=
r/> PayPal Resolution Center<br/> =F0=9F=93=9E Toll-Free, 24/7 Support:=
+=F0=9D=9F=8F (=F0=9D=9F=96=F0=9D=9F=8E=F0=9D=9F=96) =F0=9D=9F=92=F0=9D=
> To review this payment, click "REVIEW NOW=2E"<br/><br/> Transaction D=
etails:<br/> Item Purchased: Bitcoin (0=2E00789 BTC)<br/> Charged Amoun=
t: $699=2E00<br/> Date of Transaction: January 22, 2025<br/> Invoice ID=
: TTRR-5645164<br/><br/> Next Steps:<br/> If Unauthorized: Call +=F0=9D=
=9F=8F (=F0=9D=9F=96=F0=9D=9F=8E=F0=9D=9F=96) =F0=9D=9F=92=F0=9D=9F=95=F0=
=9D=9F=8E-=F0=9D=9F=95=F0=9D=9F=93=F0=9D=9F=92=F0=9D=9F=92 immediately =
to cancel or dispute the charge=2E<br/> If Valid: No action is required=
=2E<br/><br/> Stay Secure<br/> Your security is our priority=2E Please =
remember that PayPal will never ask for your password, PIN, or sensitiv=
e financial details via email=2E Always double-check communication befo=
re responding=2E<br/> Note: This email is auto-generated=2E Replies are=
not monitored=2E If you detect unusual activity, don=E2=80=99t hesitat=
e to reach out=2E<br/><br/> Thank you for trusting PayPal=2E<br/> PayPa=
l Security Team<br/> =C2=A9 1999-2025 PayPal, Inc=2E All rights reserve=
d=2E<br /></span><br /></td></tr><tr><td style=3D"padding:0px 24px 12px=
24px;background-color:#ffffff;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;f=
ont-size:11px;color:#666666;"></td></tr><tr><td style=3D"padding:30px 2=
4px 45px 24px;background-color:#EAEAEA;"><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1em;=
font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-size:13px;color:#666666;lin=
e-height:18px;"><b aria-level=3D"3" role=3D"heading">Do Not Share This =
Email</b><br/> This email contains a secure link to Docusign=2E Please =
do not share this email, link, or access code with others=2E<br/></p><p=
style=3D"margin-bottom:1em;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font=
-size:13px;color:#666666;line-height:18px;"><b aria-level=3D"3" role=3D=
"heading">Alternate Signing Method</b><br/> Visit Docusign=2Ecom, click=
'Access Documents', and enter the security code:<br /> 8F4A6297AF71494=
EBE1C3ED2871FCA7A7 </p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1em;font-family:Helvet=
ica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-size:13px;color:#666666;line-height:18px;"><b=
aria-level=3D"3" role=3D"heading">About Docusign</b><br/> Sign documen=
ts electronically in just minutes=2E It's safe, secure, and legally bin=
ding=2E Whether you're in an office, at home, on-the-go -- or even acro=
ss the globe -- Docusign provides a professional trusted solution for D=
igital Transaction Management=E2=84=A2=2E </p><p style=3D"margin-bottom=
:1em;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-size:13px;color:#66666=
6;line-height:18px;"><b aria-level=3D"3" role=3D"heading">Questions abo=
ut the Document?</b><br /> If you need to modify the document or have q=
uestions about the details in the document, please reach out to the sen=
der by emailing them directly=2E<br /><br /><b aria-level=3D"3" role=3D=
"heading">Stop receiving this email</b><br /><a href=3D'https://protect=
VxK7LVCx8pj2rVdfUJt3Ge-Fc1ednDgl0UhICfya8n8brCSxmxtsVqghNKg&lang=3Den' =
style=3D'color:#2463d1;' >Report this email</a> or read more about <a h=
uSign-Signer-Guide' style=3D'color:#2463d1;' >Declining to sign</a> and=
<a href=3D'https://support=2Edocusign=2Ecom/en/articles/How-do-I-manag=
e-my-email-notifications' style=3D'color:#2463d1;' >Managing notificati=
ons</a>=2E<br /><br /> If you have trouble signing, visit "<a href=3D'h=
e=3Dpostsend' style=3D'color:#2463d1;' >How to Sign a Document</a>" on =
our <a href=3D'https://support=2Edocusign=2Ecom/' style=3D'color:#2463d=
1;' >Docusign Support Center</a>, or browse our <a href=3D'https://comm=
5_CommunityCTA&utm_medium=3Demail&utm_source=3Dpostsend' style=3D=
'color:#2463d1;' >Docusign Community</a> for more information=2E<br /><=
br /></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1em;font-family:Helvetica,Arial,Sans=
Serif;font-size:13px;color:#666666;line-height:18px;"><a href=3D"https=
38;utm_source=3Dpostsend" style=3D"color:#2463d1;" ><img style=3D"margi=
n-right:7px;border:none;vertical-align:middle;" width=3D"18" height=3D"=
18" src=3D"https://docucdn-a=2Eakamaihd=2Enet/olive/images/2=2E62=2E0/g=
lobal-assets/email-templates/icon-download-app=2Epng" alt=3D"" />Downlo=
ad the Docusign App </a></p><p style=3D"margin-bottom:1em;font-family:H=
elvetica,Arial,Sans Serif;font-size:13px;color:#666666;line-height:18px=
;font-size:10px;line-height:14px;">This message was sent to you by Orde=
r Confirmation who is using the Docusign Electronic Signature Service=2E=
If you would rather not receive email from this sender you may contact=
the sender with your request=2E</p></td></tr></table></td><td></td></t=
r></table><span itemscope=3D"" itemtype=3D"http://schema=2Eorg/EmailMes=
sage"><meta itemprop=3D"text" content=3D"Order Confirmation sent you a =
document to review and sign=2E"/><span itemscope=3D"" itemprop=3D"about=
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emprop=3D"action" itemtype=3D"http://schema=2Eorg/ViewAction"><meta ite=
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