[5678] in Moira

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G white hand waved toward the bunched

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Osorno Richie)
Tue Apr 27 06:30:01 2010

Message-ID: <4BD5E45C.4060904@mmcsport.de>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2010 12:29:54 +0200
From: Osorno Richie <invention@mmcsport.de>
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To: Ostenberg Gist <bug-moira@mit.edu>
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D the ears like a mallet. Everything went black. Of course it would
have been just my luck to get a broken neck out of it and give the
scientist no chance to revive
me. But after a second or two, or a minute, or it could have been an
hour, the blackness went away enough to allow me to know I was hanging
on the end of the rope, kicking, fighting, choking to death. My tongue
swelled, my face and head and heart and body seemed ready to burst.
Slowly I went into
a deep mist that I knew then was _the_
mist, then--then--I was off floating in the air over the heads of the

watching my own hanging! "I saw them give that slowly swinging carcass
on the end of its rope time enough to thoroughly die, then,
from my aerial, unseen watching place, I saw them cut
it--me--down. They tried the pulse of the body that had been mine,
they examined

my staring eyes. Then I heard them pronounce me dead. The fools! I had
known I was dead for a minute or two by that time, else how could my
spirit have been gone from

the shell and be out floating around over their heads?" * * * * * He
paused here as he asked his question, his head turning on its dry and
creaking neck to include us all in his query. But none of us spoke. We
were dreaming it all, of

course, or were mad, we thought. "In just a short while," went on the
skeleton, "my 'brother' came driving slowly in for my body. With no
special hurry he loaded me onto his little truck and drove easily
away. But once clear of the crowd he
pushed his foot down on the gas and in five more minutes--with me
hovering all the while alongside
of him, mind you--floating along as though

I had been a bird all my life--we
turned into the driveway of a summer home. The scientific
guy met him.
They carried
me into the house, into a fine-fitted laboratory. My dead body was
placed on a table, a
huge knife ripped my clothes from me. "Quickly the loads from ten or a
dozen hypodermic syringes
were shot into different parts of my naked body. Then it

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