[5435] in Moira
Re: Internal consistency error?
daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Laura Baldwin)
Wed May 20 12:03:27 2009
Cc: Laura Baldwin <boojum@MIT.EDU>, "bug-moira@MIT.EDU" <bug-moira@MIT.EDU>
Message-Id: <81632EA1-3FAF-400E-9DAE-71123D3882AA@MIT.EDU>
From: Laura Baldwin <boojum@MIT.EDU>
To: Garry Zacheiss <zacheiss@MIT.EDU>
In-Reply-To: <4A142509.6040804@mit.edu>
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Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 12:02:49 -0400
On May 20, 2009, at 11:43 AM, Garry Zacheiss wrote:
> It's certainly changeable, although I'd want to test it extensively.
> How much of a hardship is this really being?
Oh, it's not a hardship at all. It did cause me to fuss with the list
a lot more when I thought it was broken, and temporarily destroying
the world, so changing the error to something more like "You can't add
that big a list to other lists" might be good.