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Re: Internal consistency error?

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Garry Zacheiss)
Wed May 20 11:43:19 2009

Message-ID: <4A142509.6040804@mit.edu>
Date: Wed, 20 May 2009 11:43:05 -0400
From: Garry Zacheiss <zacheiss@MIT.EDU>
MIME-Version: 1.0
To: Laura Baldwin <boojum@mit.edu>
CC: "bug-moira@MIT.EDU" <bug-moira@mit.edu>
In-Reply-To: <200905201406.n4KE6oiR017887@geskekelud.mit.edu>
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Laura Baldwin wrote:
> It looks like it isn't possible to add the list linc2007conference to
> any other lists. 
> athena% blanche fooby -a linc2007conference
> blanche: Moira internal consistency failure while adding member linc2007conference to fooby
> This was the weird list that had addresses with tabs and spaces in it
> yesterday, and as trying to fix that, I ended up deleting it and
> recreating it, but it still seems unhappy. 
> Actually, now that the members are all on a different list
> (linc2010general), I can't add linc2010general to other lists either.  
> -Laura

Not actually a bug, in that the behavior is intentional but historical;
it really means "you tried to add a list with more than 3072 members to
another list" (approximately; there are other ways to get it if you nest
your lists deeply enough).  It has nothing to do with the contents of
the list.

The error message is probably needlessly alarming.

It's certainly changeable, although I'd want to test it extensively.
How much of a hardship is this really being?


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