[26445] in Athena Bugs

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Re: linux 9.3.18: tcsh

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Greg Hudson)
Fri Jun 3 11:32:28 2005

From: Greg Hudson <ghudson@mit.edu>
To: Ken T Takusagawa <kenta@mit.edu>
In-Reply-To: <200505302116.j4ULG6tA014893@ethanhunt.csail.mit.edu>
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Date: Fri, 03 Jun 2005 11:31:27 -0400
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cc: bugs@mit.edu
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On Mon, 2005-05-30 at 17:16 -0400, Ken T Takusagawa wrote:
>    returns error message: "File too large"

>    It does work properly for both /bin/tcsh and /bin/athena/bash.

This appears to be a straightforward version issue: basic largefile
support was added to tcsh somewhere between 6.08 (which is what we've
been using) and 6.12 (which is what RHEL 3 ships).

I've imported tcsh 6.14 for the 9.4 release, so this should be fixed in
the next 9.4 patch release.  (9.4 is in beta, of course, so for most
machines the problem won't be fixed until mid-July when the release goes

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