[26442] in Athena Bugs

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"install in free space" bug in Athena installer

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Kevin Chen)
Tue May 31 16:51:03 2005

Date: Tue, 31 May 2005 16:50:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Kevin Chen <kchen@mit.edu>
To: bugs@mit.edu
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Another OLC user reported the following experience with the Athena
installer, which I had previously reported.  He has since reinstalled his
system, so he does not have any logs.

Kevin Chen


Ok, so I did the following:

1. Downloaded Windows XP SP2 ISO CD-ROM image from the mit.edu/software
site with the MIT license.
2. Burned it onto a CDROM
3. Booted the CD-ROM and erased all existing partitions.
4. Created a new 30 GB NTFS partition at the start of the disk (it was a
40GB drive)
5. Installed Windows XP
6. Booted the Athena installer CD-ROM by burning the ISO image downloaded,
which was the most recent image as of about 3 weeks ago.
7. Choose to "install into free space" in the athena installer, which
creates the needed partitions in the free space.

Now, when I booted the computer, GRUB came up. Selecting Windows switched
to a black screen that said "loading chainloader" or something. Then, it
stayed at that screen without booting windows.

Selecting Linux booted Athena normally.

Reinstalling Windows or attempting to use LILO failed to boot Windows.
After reinstalling Windows, GRUB was no longer the bootloader. Instead, a
screen came up saying "invalid partition table". The solution was to
format the entire disk, erasing the entire partition table, and
reinstalling windows in a new partition.

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