[26441] in Athena Bugs

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linux 9.3.18: tcsh

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Ken T Takusagawa)
Mon May 30 17:16:42 2005

Message-Id: <200505302116.j4ULG6tA014893@ethanhunt.csail.mit.edu>
To: bugs@mit.edu
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 17:16:06 -0400
From: Ken T Takusagawa <kenta@mit.edu>
X-Spam-Score: 1.041
X-Spam-Level: * (1.041)
X-Spam-Flag: NO
Errors-To: bugs-bounces@mit.edu

System name:		ethanhunt.csail.mit.edu
Type and version:	i686 9.3.18 (with mkserv)
Display type:		nVidia Corporation NV37GL [Quadro FX 330] (rev a2)

Shell:			/bin/athena/tcsh
Window manager:		sawfish

What were you trying to do?
   Input redirect a large (3GB) file, e.g.: cat < bigfile > /dev/null

What's wrong:
   returns error message: "File too large"

What should have happened:
   It does work properly for both /bin/tcsh and /bin/athena/bash.
They do not seem to have a filesize limitation.

Please describe any relevant documentation references:

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