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phantom root login issue

daemon@ATHENA.MIT.EDU (Michael C Spindel)
Mon May 23 01:08:35 2005

Date: Mon, 23 May 2005 01:07:55 -0400 (EDT)
From: Michael C Spindel <mspindel@mit.edu>
To: bugs@mit.edu
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I just ran into an issue in which finger and who will report root as
logged in when it isn't.  I've only been able to test it with root, but it
probably applies to other user accounts.

Steps to reproduce (tested on an IBM ThinkCentre):
1) log in as root, logout
2) log in as someone else
3) execute finger or who

Example output:

[mspindel@m56-129-11]:~> finger
finger: /var/log/lastlog open error

Login       Name               TTY Idle When        Office
root     root                  p1     8 Mon 00:56
mspindel Michael C Spindel     p0     8 Mon 00:56

[mspindel@m56-129-11]:~> who
root     pts/1        May 23 00:56 (:0.0)
mspindel pts/0        May 23 00:56 (:0.0)

I don't know if this matters, but here are the apparent permissions on

[mspindel@m56-129-11]:log> ls -l lastlog
-r--------    1 root     root     19136220 May 23 00:56 lastlog

This doesn't look like a terribly serious issue, but it certainly startled
me the first time i saw it.

-- mike

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